Pay Schedule

At Boston University, employees are paid on either a weekly or semi-monthly basis.

Weekly paid employees are in non-exempt positions, which include non-represented positions in the S career level, represented positions in grades 21–26, trades and custodial positions, police officers (Charles River Campus), and public safety officers (Medical Campus).

Weekly paid employees enter their time in Employee Self-Service or complete a weekly time sheet, submitted to their department, and are paid each Friday for the hours worked in the previous week. Non-exempt Boston University employees are paid their regular hourly rate for hours worked up to 40 hours in a week and 1 ½ times their regular hourly rate for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a given week. Represented employees should consult their union contract for specific salary information.

Semi-monthly paid employees are in exempt positions, which include non-represented positions in the P or M career levels and represented Librarian positions in grades LI41 and above. Semi- monthly paid employees enter their absence time in Employee Self-Service and are paid approximately half of their monthly pay on the 15th of each month and the remaining half on the last business day of each month.

To request salary statements or W-2 forms, contact the Boston University Payroll office.

For employment or income verification purposes, please click here.