Payroll Coordinators

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Student Payroll training:

Training is for Payroll Coordinators and supervisors who are responsible for student hires. Click here to view the available training sessions.

Important Facts:

Effective December 26, 2022 the minimum wage in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is increasing to $15.00.

All  I-9s completed on student employees are completed electronically.  Payroll Coordinators have been given the ability to assign staff within their Unit/Departments access to complete a student’s I-9.  Procedures for completing the electronic I-9 may be found here.  Supervisors may not allow a student to work if the student has not completed an I-9.  No student employee should commence working until the I-9 has been completed.  More important information about completing and submitting Form I-9 may be found here.

Effective Tuesday, February 4, 2020, the weekly deadline for Payroll Coordinators to enter the final time sheet mail code approval and to approve all hires will be 10 A.M. on Tuesday mornings.

Supervisors and Payroll Coordinators should utilize the Student Employment Business link functions, especially Student Employee Information and Student Employees Mail Code or Unit/Dept on a regular basis.  These functions should be used to verify that students have been correctly hired in the appropriate program or semester and are being accurately paid for hours worked.

As was announced on June 1, 2020, effective July 1, 2020, the Student SARF process has changed.  The process is now a fully electronic process and the previous SARF forms are no longer being accepted for processing.  A quick start guide and an instructional PowerPoint can be found in the Payroll Coordinator Guides section.

Students may not work during scheduled class time. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to confirm with students that their work schedules do not conflict with their class schedules.

Some Boston University student employees are entitled to earn paid sick time.  Procedures and accrual information are available for supervisors and payroll coordinators.

The Massachusetts Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) took effect on April 1, 2018. This new law entitles employees to reasonable accommodations for pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, bans discrimination based on pregnancy, and prohibits employers from retaliating against pregnant employees asking for reasonable accommodations related to pregnancy.  Please refer to the University’s Reasonable Accommodations Policy for information on how to proceed if a student employee requests an accommodation under this act.

Hiring a graduated or withdrawn student as a staff or faculty member?

It is necessary to terminate a former student employee from the Student Employment level in SAP before the former student can be hired into a temporary level (including TEPV) or staff position in SAP.  All student level payments must have been made to the student before he/she can be terminated from the student payroll level.  All SE level termination requests should be made following the SE Level Termination procedure.