Employment Forms

The following forms applicable to the position in question should be reviewed by supervisor and student employee. Please note, capture and retention and capture of each will depend on the form.

  • FERPA Non-Disclosure Agreement
    • Captured and retained by Student Employment
  • Student Employment Confidentiality Policy
    • Captured and retained by Student Employment
  • Acceptable use of Computing Services Policy
    • Departments/Supervisor should review policy with student employ. No documentation retention required
  • Intellectual Property Policy
    • Any student involved in university-supported research is required to sign an Intellectual Property Policy (IPP) Agreement with Boston University. Students who must sign the agreement based on University guidelines will automatically receive an e-mail request from ippolicy@bu.edu to read and sign the agreement once they are hired.
  • Student Remote Work Agreement
    • The Student Remote Work Agreement serves as a template to grant a student employee the opportunity to work remotely.
      • Captured and retained by Student Employment
    • International Remote Work Request Form
      • If you wish to have student employees work remotely from outside the United States, you must obtain authorization before allowing students to work. Due to tax regulations in some countries, having your students work remotely may be impossible. Identifying the location of remote work is critical as there are some locations where students are prohibited from working due to specific tax policies and labor laws. Depending on the area, a third-party payment agency like SafeGuard may be required to facilitate payments for remote work in certain countries. Please note that any fees for using a third-party agency will be your department’s responsibility. Student employees can only start working remotely outside the United States with approval.
  • Certification of F-1 Student On-Campus Employment for a Social Security Number Application
    • Document utilized by Students on F-1 Visa to apply for a Social Security Number
    • Supervisors or hiring departments should use Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader to complete all the fields and then print the form on department letterhead. After the supervisor signs the form and returns the original to the student, the student will bring the completed form to the ISSO to obtain an endorsement by an International Student Advisor.

Submit the following forms to the appropriate contact.