Pre- and Post-Graduation
Check out these lists or watch the video below to ensure you have everything you need for future employment!
Students Who Will be Graduating
- Keep your bank account active for direct deposit until you have received your final payment.
- Download and save your W-2’s from your time as a student employee.
- Your W-2 following your last year of work will be mailed and will not be available online.
- Download and save your last salary statement from each year that you worked as a student employee.
- An easy way to save your salary statements from any point of working: MyBUWorks > My Paystubs > Click on desired Pay Period > Click “Open as PDF” in bottom right hand corner
- This will save the pay statement as a PDF onto your computer!
- Update your address.
- Any official documents from the University concerning Payroll will be sent to this address, including the W-2 from the year you last worked.
- Check out The Work Number for employment and income verification requests.
- Ask your supervisor(s) for full job descriptions.
- Ask your supervisor(s) for recommendations.
- Ask your supervisor(s) for an exit interview.
International Students
As well as all of the above, international students should:
- Download and save your 1042’s statements.
- Your W-2s and 1042’s from your last year of work will be mailed and will not be available online.
Additionally, international students must consult with ISSO prior to continuing their employment at the University as a casual or staff employee. Their continued employment at Boston University must meet USCIS regulations, and therefore must be cleared through ISSO before any work is performed. Allowing a student to continue working without ISSO authorization will jeopardize their visa standing.
Students Who Have Graduated
- Form W-2
- Effective 2022-2023 – Boston University has partnered with Equifax to deliver your W-2 online. To view and download your W-2 click here. You will be asked to enter your BU username and Kerberos password and will be taken to a new BU Tax Form Management page.
- Prior to 2022 – Requesting your W-2’s from your time as a student employee. You will need your Kerberos login, UID, and the years of employment you are requesting.
- (International students) Request your 1042 statements. You will need your UID and your years of employment.
- Check out The Work Number for employment and income verification requests.
Graduated students who continue to work after Commencement must be hired as a temporary or staff employee. In order to be hired as a temporary or staff employee, a student employee’s record must be terminated in SAP. The exception is graduated students who will be attending a higher degree program within Boston University. For example, a May graduate undergraduate student who will be starting a Master’s program in the upcoming Fall semester can work as a student employee during the summer between graduating and matriculating.
Supervisors: If you will be hiring an individual who was a student employee into a temporary or staff position, you must terminate a former student employee from the Student Employment level in SAP before the former student can be hired into a casual level (including TEPV) or staff position in SAP. Student employees cannot be terminated until their final student payment has processed, there are no exceptions.
To request these terminations, complete the form linked here.
Bulk Terminations:
If you have more than three (3) students who require SE Level Termination, send an to including a list of the student names, university ID numbers and expected start date(s). Please title the email, “BULK SE LEVEL TERMINATION REQUEST”
Terminations are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be notified once the termination is complete so you may begin the hiring process with HR.