Getting Paid

Friday is pay day! Students will receive an email from Payroll stating that they have a pay statement available, whether the check is in physical form or direct deposited.

Student employees receive their first payment for the position on the Friday of the second week of work, provided all required paperwork has been completed by the employing department by the weekly deadline. If you have multiple jobs at Boston University, your earnings from all your jobs will be combined into one payment for each payroll period.

Weekly Salaried students receive a set amount of money each week.

No time entry is required.

Hourly-paid students receive payment based on the number of hours worked each week.

Time entry is required for hourly paid students through Employee Self-Service.

Direct deposit is the preferred method of payment for all student employees, as it reduces paper waste and leaves no room for error. Prior to being set up for direct deposit, student employees will have their pay generated as physical paper checks and mailed to them through USPS. To learn more about physical paychecks, check our Paycheck Information and Procedures.

BUWorks Central Portal is the site for all pay/salary statements, taxes, and tax documents. Learn more about Setting up Direct Deposit and How to Read Your Salary Statement.

Student Employment and Payroll staff are not professionally cleared to give tax advice. All students are encouraged to meet with a tax professional or consult their parents/guardians regarding their tax withholdings and tax filing. Tax Information and Procedures can assist in giving students basic information regarding taxes on income from on-campus employment.

Check out our “Frequent Asked Questions” on this topic and more.