Employment Verification and Information Requests

Boston University now uses The Work Number® to provide automated employment and income verification for student employees. The Work Number provides immediate access to information that is convenient, accurate and secure: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This service is available to those student employees who currently have a social security number on file. Find step-by-step instructions on how to access your file here.

Students without a social security number must submit all employment verification requests to Student Employment Student Payroll. Prospective landlords and employers may submit requests for verification on your behalf (many have standardized forms for this), but they must include a signed release from you authorizing Boston University to share this information. You may also submit a Student Verification Request for this information.

Upon receipt by the Student Employment Office, verification requests may take 3-5 business days for processing, depending on volume. We do our best to process requests as quickly as possible. NOTE: Peak processing times include September, January, May, and June.

A breakdown of your earnings between Work-Study and non-Work-Study is included on your salary statement. “WS” indicates Work-Study and “SE” non-Work-Study.

BUWorks Central Portal is the site for all pay/salary statements, taxes, and tax documents. Learn more about How to Read Your Salary Statement.

Statements for previous pay periods, up to 18 months, are available via the drop-down date menu.

You may also submit a Student Verification Request for this information. It will take 3- 5 business days for your request to be processed.