Heine Analyzes APEC Summit: Latin America’s Diplomatic Balancing Act
In a recent interview with the Latin America Advisor, Ambassador Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies, offers critical insights into the recent APEC summit in Lima and its implications for Latin America’s complex geopolitical positioning. The summit highlighted Peru’s diplomatic prowess, with the opening of the $3.6 billion deep-water…
Heine Explains Brazil’s Non-Signing on to China’s BRI
A new Foreign Policy analysis by Ambassador Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies, examines the global media frenzy over Brazil’s decision not to sign on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which “raised eyebrows”. Heine argues that the media is “making a mountain out of a molehill” when…
Quinn Slobodian to Speak at WTO Public Forum on Global Capitalism and Democracy
Quinn Slobodian, Professor of International History, will speak at the WTO Public Forum on September 13, 2024. His session, “Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy,” explores how new economic entities like tax havens and special economic zones reflect ultracapitalists’ attempts to separate free markets from democratic oversight.
Heine Interviewed on Changing Trends in Globalization
In an article interview with CGTN: America, Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, explained the changing nature of globalization amidst rising tensions between the United States and China. Heine first discussed the…
Garčević Leads IEMS International Trade Workshop
Ambassador Garčević led 20 students in negotiation tactics, different perspectives to take into account, as well as general diplomatic demeanor at Emmanuel College’s Institute of Eastern Mediterranean Studies, where he has served as the Ambassador in Residence since 2018.
Heine Interviewed on Complexities of U.S.-China Relations
Ambassador Heine explores the troubled relationship between the U.S. and China as well as the Chinese real estate bubble, climate diplomacy, big tech companies, Blackrock’s foray into China, and international trade.
Heine Comments on Castillo’s Prioritization of China-Peru Relations
Ambassador Heine comments that the new Peruvian government’s early consultations with China are not an expression of ideological affinity, but of pragmatism, as China is Peru ‘s main trading partner and a major source of FDI.
Heine Comments on Chile-India Relations
This priority that the Foreign Minister has given to India hopefully will translate into more state visits, more trade and into an upgrading of the Chile-India Preferential Trade Agreement, because in general it lacks a lot to strengthen the relationship with India.”
Heine Quoted in Article on Digital Economic Partnership Agreement
“For issues related to e-commerce, e-invoicing and data location, it is critical to find common ground and common rules, and the DEPA aims to achieve that.”
Pardee Center Hosts Webinar on Impact of RCEP
Panelists discussed the origins and significance of the RCEP the respective roles of India and China in the future of the world’s fastest-growing region.
Ye Comments on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Professor Ye discusses China’s admittance into the RCEP and how this is a reaction to U.S. presence in the Asia-Pacific.
Heine Publishes Op-Ed on Global Trade and Globalization
“We are…witnessing the return, in full regalia, of the Asia Pacific to the center of world affairs.”
GDP Center Releases Research on U.S. Trade Policy
“U.S. trade policy made Americans more vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis, in terms of both their jobs and their health.”
Heine Writes on World Trade in Global Times
Professor Jorge Heine discusses the shifting power balances in global trade in a recent op-ed.
Gallagher OpEd on Climate Finance for Latin America
For Latin America to meet its climate change goals, it will need to scale up development finance for low carbon growth, says Gallagher.
Gallagher’s OpEd Explains the Problem with TPP
Kevin Gallagher writes OpEd in BUToday arguing that President Obama’s new trade pact is a bad idea.