Resources at a Glance
BU offers a wide array of resources to support our students. Below, you will find commonly-used resources that law students may find helpful. In addition, we strongly recommend using the BU Wellbeing Resources clearinghouse site, where you can filter for your specific needs, including resources for core needs, like food and shelter.
Our resources are organized into the following five areas:
Academic Enrichment and Support
Academic Enrichment and Support
BU Law Academic Enrichment Program
The Academic Enrichment Program (AEP) provides academic support services to all JD students at BU Law, including 1L study skills workshops during the fall semester and one on one academic coaching and advising.
The Fineman & Pappas Law Libraries
At BU Law, the Samuel M. Fineman Law Library and the Pappas Law Library are staffed by highly trained professionals, with deep research expertise and knowledge. Additionally, our legal information librarians have both law and library degrees and teach required research classes to all new law students, as well as offer individual consultations. Students facing academic challenges, especially related to legal research, should consider this another great option for resources and guidance to tackle those challenges.
BU Educational Resource Center
The Educational Resource Center (ERC) provides a variety of academic support resources, including specialized resources for graduate students, including academic skill building, writing and communication support, and English conversation groups.
Read & Write Gold is a literacy software that helps students with reading, writing, research, and organization. This software is free to download for the BU community. It is an especially useful tool for anyone, especially in language-learning classes. You can learn more in an article about this software in BU Today.
Academic Expectations and Misconduct
BU Law JD Student Handbook
The JD Student Handbook contains academic policies, disciplinary regulations and other relevant policies.
University Lifebook
School of Law students also are subject to the Boston University Code of Student Responsibilities, also known as the Lifebook. It contains the non-academic policies related to student life on campus.
Academic Advising
Faculty Mentors
Law students will be assigned a faculty mentor within the law school, who will host regular group gatherings with mentees. For any questions regarding the Faculty Mentors program, please contact Stephen Donweber,
Dual Degrees & Graduation Requirements
Associate Dean Gerry Muir can help with all Dual Degree and Graduation Requirement issues. She is happy to help in any way she can. Please contact her at or 617-358-1800.
Experiential Education & Clinics
BU Law’s experiential education program provides a rich array of options for students to gain practical skills under the guidance of top legal practitioners. We offer three distinct types of experiential courses – clinics and practicums, externships, and simulations. Each spring, look for information sessions, 1:1 advising appointments and more to help you find the best experiential education opportunities for you. For any questions regarding Experiential Learning, please email or call 617-353-3131.
BU Law Registrar's Office
When it is time to register for classes, find out which textbooks and course materials you need, or determine which courses are closed or have wait lists, the Registrar’s Office is the place to look for information. First year law students are registered automatically by the Registrar. Second and third year law students register in spring for the subsequent year.
Contact:; 617-353-3115
Academic Integrity and Grade Complaints
For any questions regarding academic integrity or grade complaints, please contact Associate Dean Stephen Marks. He can be reached at or 617-358-3213. In these situations, students are encouraged to review the relevant portions of the the JD Handbook for guidance. You can also reach out to the registrar’s office for questions in this area or to file an Academic Standards Committee (ASC) petition at or 617-353-3115.
Student Practice/Rule 3:03 Certification
Some states allow law students to appear in court proceedings for a qualified agency and under the supervision of a licensed attorney if certain requirements are met. See, e.g., Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:03.
For more information on student practice certifications, or to request a letter from the school certifying a student under a state’s student practice rule, contact: Kevin Schwartz, Senior Program Coordinator; Office of Clinical & Experiential Programs;
BU Law Fineman and Pappas Law Libraries
Contact:, 617-353-3151
BU Tools: Blackboard and myBU
Although it’s still in the final stages of transition from a legacy system, the MyBUStudent portal will connect you to many of your records at BU, including your compliance status, schedule, current address and phone number, employee time entry, convenience points, and student account. Formerly know as the Links, this page and its resources will evolve into a one-stop-shop for students over the course of the 2024-2025 year.
Blackboard Learn is available to anyone with a BU login name and Kerberos password at (for on-campus students). The IT Help Center will answer any questions you have concerning your Blackboard Learn course site. You can get in touch online at (or by clicking on the Help tab on any screen in Blackboard), by email at, or by phone at 353-HELP(4357).
Law School Technology Support
Computer Support
The Law Service Desk is available for computer and related technical support. They also administer all classroom and courtroom technology and jointly administer Law’s computer labs along with Desktop Services. For any questions or concerns regarding technology, please email or You can also reach them by phone at 617-352-5555 or the help desk at 617-353-HELP (4327). Suite: 504. Hours: 9am – 5pm, Monday–Friday.
For information regarding technology at the University, please visit the BU Information Services & Technology website.
Audio Visual & Media Support
The BU Law Academic Media Services provides all Law audiovisual and media services. Email: They are located in Suite 504.
Study Space
The law school and the broader campus and community offer an abundance of places and types of study spaces.
Office of Disability and Access Services
Disability & Access Services provides services and support to ensure that students are able to access and participate in the opportunities available at Boston University. In keeping with this objective, students are expected and encouraged to utilize the resources of Disability & Access Services to the degree they determine necessary. Law students seeking academic or housing accommodations should begin the process with the Office of Disability and Access Services.
Contact: 25 Buick Street, 617-353-3658
BU Bulletin
As the document of authority for all students, the Bulletin is your guide to all of the departments, programs, policies, and courses at BU. Requirements in the Bulletin take precedence over information found elsewhere. The Boston University School of Law Academic Bulletin includes information regarding all School of Law specific policies as well as information on programs, courses, and other student resources.
Diversity and Inclusion
Boston University School of Law has offered legal education to all qualified students without regard to race, gender, or religion since 1872. This tradition continues today through a strong system of support and mentorship.
The Office of the Associate Dean for Equity, Justice and Engagement was established by Dean Angela Onwuachi-Willig upon joining BU Law in 2018 in order to make BU Law a just, inclusive, and engaged community of faculty and students. The Student Affairs Office offers is committed to engaging and supporting our diverse community of students. Our team works closely with affinity groups and individual students to make sure that all communities are included and empowered at BU Law.
Many student affinity groups work together to co-sponsor social, academic, and professional events, and they have mentoring programs and hold networking events and career panels with alumni interested in helping students establish careers. Additionally, BU Law’s affinity groups work closely with local and national organizations that promote their missions—meaning you’ll begin building a network across the country just by being involved. There are 12 affinity groups within BU Law: Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA), Black Law Students Association (BLSA), Disabled Law Students & Allies Association (DLSAA), First Generation Professionals (FGP), Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA), Latin American Law Students Association (LALSA), Middle Eastern & South Asian Law Students Association (MESALSA), Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA), Native American & Other Indigenous Peoples Law Students Association (NALSA & Peoples), OutLaw (LGBTQIA Student Organization), Women’s Law Association (WLA), and Women of Color Collaborative (WoCC).
Diversity & Inclusion on the University level
Diversity & Inclusion on the University level:
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion leads the University’s efforts to advance a culture that values and supports diversity, equity, access, and inclusion across our campuses. The Associate Provost works collaboratively with academic and administrative leaders to establish programs and initiatives that support BU’s diversity goals; implement and maintain best practices across the University that ensure shared accountability and progress; and nurture an inclusive and welcoming campus climate for students, faculty, and staff of all backgrounds.
For another list of resources available to graduate students, see the BU Graduate Education Diversity & Inclusion Resources.
The LGBTQIA+ Student Resource Center
The LGBTQIA+ Student Resource Center fosters community among students with programming and resources that encourage exploration and affirm identities at BU. The team curates resources, including maps of all gender restrooms, gender affirming healthcare information, and related supports. They are located at 808 Commonwealth Avenue (next to the BU Bridge), Floor 2M. Email: or call 617-353-3908.
The Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground
The Thurman Center is Boston University’s cultural hub, and, unlike many colleges and universities that have separate Centers based on race, Boston University’s Howard Thurman Center does not. The Thurman Center is intentionally inclusive and emphasizes the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone to build relationships and share experiences with others. The Thurman Center is a place where cultural expression in all of its forms is embraced and encouraged.
Check here for programming throughout the year and consider subscribing to their mailing list to stay up to date.
WBUR CitySpace at the Lavine Broadcast Center
WBUR CitySpace at The Lavine Broadcast Center is the new state-of-the-art multimedia venue located at 890 Commonwealth Avenue on Boston University’s campus. It brings the stories you hear every day from WBUR and NPR hosts and reporters to life. Convening leaders in all fields for an array of events – readings, interviews, debates, conversations, panels, podcasts, performances, story slams, theater, comedy, book clubs, demonstrations— CitySpace is the destination to be inspired, entertained and educated.
Religious Life
Religious life at Boston University encourages students to get involved in a community that can provide strength and support throughout their time here at the university. Students may get involved in a group that reflects a lifelong commitment to a religious tradition, or they may seek out a group that practices a faith completely new to them. Marsh Chapel, BU Hillel, the BU Catholic Center, and Religious Life Student Groups provide students with opportunities to connect with one another through weekly group meetings, worship opportunities, and special events.
Prayer and Meditation
Within the law school, Room 509 is a dedicated space for meditation or prayer, accessible with your Terrier card.
BU Law Student Affairs
The Student Affairs Office empowers students to co-create an engaged, inclusive community where all students can thrive. This begins by welcoming students through orientation programs. It ends with farewell celebrations with our graduates. In the ensuing 3 years, we advocate for students, support student organizations, assist students facing the personal challenges can arise in law school, host community and wellness events, and connect students to the resources they need to succeed. When you’re not sure where to turn, Student Affairs can help you identify the next steps that are right for you. We welcome and encourage you to visit the Student Affairs Office in Suite 510, call us at 617-358-1800, or email
Support for Graduate Students with Children
Boston University is committed to being a family-friendly campus community for graduate students with children, with many resources and benefits available. Visit the Family Resource Office and BU Children’s Center here.
Contact: 617-353-3413;
Career Development
The Office of Career Development and Public Service (“CDO”) is committed to assisting you in your job search throughout law school and after graduation. The CDO provides individual career advising, mock interviews, resume and cover letter review, as well as maintains job postings on Simplicity and conducts numerous programs – including recruitment programs – throughout the year.
Contact:; (617) 353- 3141
Resources: BU Law CDO Website
International Student Experience
The International Student & Scholars Office (ISSO) provides professional expertise on immigration and employment, and helps ensure student, scholar, and institutional compliance with federal regulations. ISSO staff are available to guide students and scholars through the often complicated requirements for foreign nationals studying and working in the United States. You can contact ISSO any time you have questions or need assistance, or visit their office at 888 Commonwealth Avenue.
Services Offered by ISSO
- New Student FAQ
- Advising
- Orientation
- Medical Care and Immunization
- Cultural adjustment
- Intercultural programs and events
- Immigration assistance, including:
- Maintaining status
- Changing status
- Extensions
- Traveling outside the US (and returning)
- Social Security Number application
- Working outside BU
- Boston University services, policies, and procedures
- Community programs and services
- Holiday programs and travel opportunities
- Scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, and educational loans
- Embassies and consulates
BU First Class: During August 2016, Global Programs launched an online non credit pre-arrival course designed to prepare incoming international students for the transition to BU and the American classroom. BU First Class is delivered on the edX platform Edge and consists of short videos, polls, and self-checks designed to be completed from anywhere on any device. Please contact Kamelia Tucotte ( with any questions.
Health, Wellness & Safety
Student Health Services
Student Health Services (SHS) is here to be an integrated health center that leaves a lasting impression on the health and wellness of our students. The SHS mission is to promote wellness, preserve health, and enable academic achievement for the students of Boston University. Full-time BU Law students may use Student Health Services, regardless of your health insurance choice. All students, regardless of status or insurance, are eligible for assistance with community referrals.
- Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
- SHIP is Boston University’s health insurance plan for students. It is offered through Aetna, a large national health insurer. SHIP may be the best—and most affordable—option for covering your healthcare outside of Student Health Services (SHS).
- Gender-Affirming Healthcare
- Student Health Services (SHS) is committed to providing high-quality, accessible healthcare to transgender and non-binary students. Our providers and staff are dedicated to affirming healthcare practices that create an inclusive and supportive environment. We utilize the Informed Consent Model of Care in an effort to reduce the barriers to medical transition
- Wellness Resources
- We want you to feel your best in all areas of your life. Explore these resources on physical and mental health and overall well-being.
- SHS Hours & Offices
- Primary Care: 617353-3575
- Behavioral Medicine: 617-353-3569
- Health Promotion & Prevention: 617-358-0485
- Sexual Assault Response & Prevention Center (SARP): 617-353-7277
- Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
The Equal Opportunity Office
The Equal Opportunity Office works to promote and realize Boston University’s commitment to maintaining an environment free from unlawful harassment and discrimination for our faculty, staff, and students. We manage equal opportunity compliance, including the areas of affirmative action, reasonable accommodations for employees, and Title IX. The Equal Opportunity Office also oversees response to the University’s nondiscrimination policies. To learn more about the office or to file a report, please visit
Title IX
Title IX requires universities to respond promptly and effectively to complaints of all kinds of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual violence. Universities must take immediate action to eliminate the offending conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.
BU is committed to promptly investigating the circumstances of a complaint to determine what occurred, ensure complainant safety, and provide remedies. Regardless of whether a complainant files a criminal action, BU will undertake its own investigation of the circumstances of the complaint.
Title IX Resources*:
*Note: resources are not confidential unless indicated.
- Equal Opportunity Office (EOO): 617-353-9286 –
- Boston University Police Department (BUPD): 617-353-2121
- Assistant Dean Jill Collins (Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Law School): 617-358-1800 –
- Sexual Assault Response & Prevention (SARP – confidential): 617-353-SARP (7277)
- BU Marsh Chapel (confidential): 617-353-3560 –
Boston University Police Department
The Boston University Police Department is a full-time, professional law enforcement agency that also provides a wide variety of public services: alarms, emergency medical assistance, investigating suspicious circumstances, and responding to and investigating criminal matters. Patrols are conducted throughout the Boston University area 24 hours a day and span an area that includes over 132 acres of University-owned property and surrounding streets.
We want you to feel safe at BU at all times. Please call 617-353-4877 for a security escort service.
Contact: 32 Harry Agganis Way; All Contact Numbers
Discrimination Incidents
Boston University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ethnic origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other unlawful basis. Please see below for resources regarding discrimination incidents:
- Boston University Police Department: 617-353-2121
- Equal Opportunity Office (BU investigations; oversight): 617-353-9286 –
- Assistant Dean Ellen Frentzen (faculty/staff): 617-358-5496 –
- Dean of Students Jason Campbell-Foster (students): 617-353-4126 –
- Career Development Office (employers): 617-353-3141 –
- Experiential Education (externships): 617-353-3131 –
- Be in the know Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Webpage
- Classroom Climate Webpage
- Safety & Ethics Reporting Webpage
Facilities and Equipment Concerns
If there are any issues with the BU Law facilities/equipment, please contact one of the below resources:
- Law Facilities: 617-353-8747 –
- Fineman & Pappas Law Libraries: 617-353-3151 –
- Lost & Found (Student Affairs): 617-358-1800 –
- Student Lounge, Room 401 (Student Affairs): 617-358-1800 –
BU Fitness and Recreation Center
BU Fitness & Recreation Center (FitRec) is committed to enriching the University and local communities by providing unparalleled and inclusive educational and recreational programs, services, and facilities to promote physical, social, and emotional health and wellness.
To get set up at FitRec and get your fitness and wellness questions answered, please visit here.
Contact: 915 Commonwealth Avenue; 617-358-3740;
Office of the Ombuds
The Office of the Ombuds is a confidential, independent, and impartial resource for conflict management and problem solving. Serving all members of the BU community, we provide a safe place for strictly confidential and off-the-record conversations regarding life, work, or study at BU. We can help you manage conflict and difficult conversations, as well as think through your concerns and identify options for addressing them. You can turn to us when you don’t know where to turn.
Contact: 617-358-5961;
Financial Literacy
The Law Financial Aid Office provides information on financial aid, loan repayment, and personal finance topics in a variety of ways – online resources, in person workshops, individual meetings, and partnering with AccessLex.
AccessLex Center for Education and Financial Capability offers loan repayment and financial education programming and resources to help law students and law graduates confidently manage their finances on their way to achieving personal and professional success.
The newest tool available for law students is their Law School Scholarship Databank which includes almost 800 scholarships and writing competitions.
Smart Money 101 is a BU Financial Assistance initiative established to provide the Boston University community with online tools, information and other resources to promote effective money management. Access resources related to financial literacy, financial planning, and financial fitness:
Financial Aid
The Law Financial Aid Office staff is available to advise you on the financial aid process and help you make informed choices about financing your legal education. We can meet with you one-on-one to develop personalized plans based on your needs.
Current students can find information, forms and resources on the website – Financial Aid Information | School of Law (
Our staff is available by phone, email, and Zoom Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. We expect to be available in person once the fall semester starts.
Food Insecurity Resources
As a Boston University graduate or professional student, we want to ensure your access to food is not compromised. If you are experiencing food insecurity, below please find resources available to you within the BU community, as well as local, Boston-area resources accessible by anyone in need.
Boston University’s Sustainability Program comprises a broad range of stakeholder groups on campus to provide the greatest diversity of representation and opinion. The program is made up of BU Sustainability and Dining Services Sustainability.
The mission of BU Sustainability is to lead the University to a more sustainable future and integrate sustainability into the culture and structure of Boston University. Implementing the Climate Action Plan will allow the University to reduce its use of natural resources, operating costs, and improve environmental and social impacts.
BU Policies
Boston University policies help connect our daily activities with the University’s mission by setting expectations and clarifying processes for individual members of our community.
Student Affairs provides several publications and resources to assist BU Law students with navigating the law school and the University:
- JD Student Handbook
- Provides information about student services, academic programs and regulations, BU Law policies and procedures, and disciplinary regulations.
- University Lifebook– The Lifebook covers BU’s non-academic policies—everything from the rules of the residences and replacing a Terrier Card to your privacy rights and records, as well as BU’s policies related to alcohol, hazing, weapons, and sexual misconduct.
Welcome to Boston
While finding housing in the Boston area can be competitive, BU students have a number of resources available to help them find a home in one of the city’s great neighborhoods.
Housing is a key consideration for law students when they enter and throughout their time at BU Law. The following resources may help to discern the best options for you:
- Our Admissions team offers some great information on housing resources, including a guide created with direct input from our students.
- Learn more about BU’s surrounding neighborhoods and housing options through the Neighborhood Guide on the Graduate Education Website.
- Explore BU’s off campus housing webpage to peruse property listings throughout the city.
- Visit the Boston University School of Law Class pages on Facebook to connect with other law students to search for apartments in groups or to find available rooms.
- Tips & Resources for finding off campus housing are available here.
- For Roommate Referrals, please visit the Admitted Students site.
- For access questions, please contact Law Admissions,
- Visit BU Residence Life if you are interested in becoming a Residence Assistance (RA)
- Alternate Housing Options:
- Fisk House: Located in Boston’s historic Back Bay neighborhood, offers housing to graduate women at Boston University. The building houses a total of sixteen residents with both single and shared rooms. The building is operated by the Boston University Women’s Council.
- Nesterly: A new program that pairs local homeowners who have spare space with graduate students willing to exchange help around the house for cheaper rent.
Contact: BU Off-Campus Services; 25 Buick Street, 1st Floor; 617-353-3523; for off-campus listings.
Contact: BU Real Estate; 846 Commonwealth Avenue; 617-353-4101; for on-campus apartment rentals.
Online Housing Resources
Living in Boston
The City of Boston is alive with culture, history, and intellectual discovery. Consistently ranked among the most livable cities in the world, Boston is an international center of higher education with a thriving economy, bountiful cultural and recreational offerings, and booming innovation and entrepreneurship. And Boston University is located right in the heart of it all.
- Finding Housing
- Neighborhoods
- Around Town
- Transportation
- Surviving Boston Weather
Navigating Public Transportation, Parking and Driving in Boston
BU Parking and Transportation services is located at 1019 Commonwealth Avenue, and is your source of information for navigating campus and the City of Boston. Please follow the links below to read up on MBTA passes (Riding the T), the BU Bus, parking passes, and Bike Safety.
- The BU Shuttle (BUS): a free and convenient way to travel all of BU’s campuses.
- MBTA: Learn more about the semester transit pass here!
- Bike Safety: Your safety is our mission. With hundreds of pedestrians, cars, trucks, buses, and T trolleys rolling up and down campus, biking in Boston can be an adventure to say the least. We’re here to help keep your rides enjoyable and safe.
- ZipCar: As the world’s leading car-sharing network, Zipcar lets you drive a variety of cars on- demand, by the hour or the day, around campuses, cities, and airports worldwide.
- Student Parking Permits
- Lots & Locations
Contact:; (617) 353-2160
The Arts in Boston
BU Arts Initiative
The Boston University Arts Initiative works to deepen the presence and impact of the arts in the academic life of the university, ensuring that the arts are fundamental to the BU student experience.
Contact: 775 Commonwealth Avenue; 617-358-0489
Arts around Town Here is a list of many of the cultural and other activities around Boston. Many of these opportunities are deeply discounted for BU students.
Questions? We’re here to help!
Phone: 617-358-1800
Let’s stay connected! Be sure to follow us on Instagram.