Law Journals

Six prestigious journals focused on key legal topics.

Another way to gain hands-on experience while studying at BU Law is to participate on a journal. You’ll find six nationally recognized law journals run by our students, each with one or more experienced faculty mentors serving as advisors.

The Clara Burrill Bruce Writing Competition for the journals is administered annually by Student Affairs.

Boston University Law Review

Established in 1921, the Law Review provides analysis and commentary on all areas of the law. It is published six times a year (September, October, December, January, March, and May), containing articles contributed by law professors and practicing attorneys from all over the world, along with notes written by student members. The wide cross section of topics published gives students broad exposure to issues of concern to the legal community. View past issues.

American Journal of Law & Medicine

Published jointly with the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics since 1975, this is a quarterly, interdisciplinary periodical containing professional articles, student notes, and case comments; summaries of recent legislative and judicial developments; and book reviews in the area of health law and policy. The journal specializes in health care law, both domestic and international. Articles explore bioethics, health care financing, health policy, fraud and abuse, intellectual property, and other health-related fields. View past issues.

Review of Banking & Financial Law

This scholarly journal of banking and financial law was founded in 1982 as the Annual Review of Banking & Financial Law. Prepared under the auspices of the Graduate Program in Banking & Financial Law, the Review contains professional articles by academics and practicing lawyers, and student notes and comments on topics ranging from banking law and regulation to commercial law, bankruptcy, and administrative and constitutional law. View past issues.

Boston University International Law Journal

A biannual journal established in 1980 that provides a forum for student interests and scholarship in the field of international law. It strives to publish groundbreaking and even controversial professional articles and student-written notes analyzing the most current issues of public and private international law, foreign and comparative law, and trade law. View past issues.

Journal of Science & Technology Law

BU Law’s longstanding tradition as a leader in intellectual property law programs carries on in this twice-a-year journal. It provides the best scholarship regarding the intersection of science, technology, and the law. Subject matter encompasses biotechnology, computers, communications, intellectual property, the Internet, technology transfer, and business for science and technology-based companies. Professional articles, student notes, and legal updates appear in each print issue as well as online. View past issues.

Public Interest Law Journal

Founded in 1990 and published twice a year, this journal is a non-partisan publication dedicated to academic discussion of legal issues in the public interest. It focuses on constitutional law, criminal law, family and legal ethics, environmental issues, education and civil rights law, and is particularly interested in submissions that combine theory and practical application. View past issues.