Rapid Detection on a Chip
An optical biosensor developed by Professor Selim Ünlü and collaborators diagnoses monkeypox in record time.
Taking the “U” out of “UFO”?
Professor Joshua Semeter will appear on a new one-hour special from the classic PBS series NOVA.
Presidential Honors
Michelle Sander is the recipient of a PECASE, the US government’s highest honor for early-career researchers.
Envisioning Better Night Vision
Professor Luca Dal Negro is working on novel optical materials for improved night vision systems.
Lightspeeding A.I.
ECE professor’s trailblazing startup shines light on energy efficient AI infrastructure.
Fall Conference Season Brings an Abundant Harvest for ECE Researchers
BU ECE researchers have had a strong start in the current conference season, earning three best paper awards in September/October 2024.
Siddharth Ramachandran Joins Ranks of AAAS Fellows
The Distinguished Professor of Engineering is being honored for “pioneering contributions to the generation, control, and propagation of singular states of light, enabling applications spanning classical and quantum communications, imaging, and high-power lasers.”
Professor Cheng Receives Spectrochemical Analysis Award
Professor Ji-Xin Cheng has been named the recipient of this year’s American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Spectrochemical Analysis Award.
Bringing the Brain Into Focus
Professor Tianyu Wang receives grant from the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative for reinventing a quantum-inspired light source to improve deep-tissue imaging.
Professor Ji-Xin Cheng receives SPIE Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award
Professor Ji-Xin Cheng is the recipient of the 2024 SPIE Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award. He earned this prestigious award for the “invention and commercialization of mid-infrared photothermal microscopy that allows highly sensitive dye-free bond-selective imaging of living cells and organisms.” The mIRage system, based on Cheng’s IP on mid-infrared photothermal microscopy and produced by Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp at Santa Barbara, has been delivered to over 100 research labs in 15 countries worldwide.