Using the Light We Can’t See
The more sophisticated data processing the Goyal team is developing might be used for mapping and navigation for autonomous vehicles, among other applications.
Rapid Detection on a Chip
An optical biosensor developed by Professor Selim Ünlü and collaborators diagnoses monkeypox in record time.
Scaling Up Synthetic Biology
Khalil and colleagues are developing a technology to selectively and efficiently transfer chromosomes between different human cells.
Dean Announces First Faculty to Earn New Awards for Lab Equipment
“The quality of the research that these inaugural infrastructure awards will support is incredible.”
Could Twisting Beams of Light Make the Internet Faster—and Greener?
“This is an extremely complex problem that requires a massive convergence in multiple planes and axes.”
Innovative Tissue Engineering: A Pioneering New Method Explained
“This approach allows us to build tissue successfully in many different shapes, using soft materials.”
Rocks and Rope, Strengthened by Seeds
A MacGyver-like post-disaster repair job that gets a boost from biology.
Renewable Power Without the Power Washing
ENG alums’ green tech startup might save 4 billion gallons of water a year.
Designing a Vaccine That Helps the Most Vulnerable
“The goal is to create a more potent and broad response with a single injection.”
Envisioning Better Night Vision
Professor Luca Dal Negro is working on novel optical materials for improved night vision systems.