Eye-Opening Contributions
ECE Professors Michelle Sander and Lei Tian have been elected to Optica’s 2025 class of Fellows.
Taking the “U” out of “UFO”?
Professor Joshua Semeter will appear on a new one-hour special from the classic PBS series NOVA.
Presidential Honors
Michelle Sander is the recipient of a PECASE, the US government’s highest honor for early-career researchers.
Envisioning Better Night Vision
Professor Luca Dal Negro is working on novel optical materials for improved night vision systems.
Ramachandran Takes the Reins
ECE professor appointed Editor-in-Chief of top optics journal.
Lightspeeding A.I.
ECE professor’s trailblazing startup shines light on energy efficient AI infrastructure.
New AI/ML Awards, from Google to BU ECE
Three ECE faculty members were among the first recipients of Google’s inaugural Academic Research Awards (GARA) this fall, recognizing their groundbreaking work in AI and machine learning.
Fall Conference Season Brings an Abundant Harvest for ECE Researchers
BU ECE researchers have had a strong start in the current conference season, earning three best paper awards in September/October 2024.
Analog Neural Networks: Nature Communications Publishes ECE Researchers’ Blueprint for Precision
First author Cansu Demirkiran (ECE PhD’24) and advisor Professor Ajay Joshi discuss “fault-tolerant analog neural networks.”
Efficient, Secure, and Coming to a Cloud Near You
Professor Ajay Joshi and former advisee Rashmi Agrawal have received a 2024 Ignition Award for their company, CipherSonic.