• Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH

    Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor

    Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH physician, epidemiologist, and author, is dean and Robert A. Knox Professor at Boston University School of Public Health. Profile

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There are 14 comments on Reconsidering Our School’s Engagement with Twitter

  1. Thank you for making this thoughtful decision based on our core values as a school and community. I, personally, deactivated Twitter several months ago. Bravo!

  2. Why not consider having a official School Mastodon server, the very least for administrative posts, but possibly including faculty, staff, students, alumni, etc.

    Microblogging from the school should be similar to email.

    1. Yes, this!! While we’re all learning it’s clear that a Mastodon.bu.edu server would make sure only folks who are from BU could join and be followed. Please consider!!

  3. A beautiful and clear description of what has obviously been a deeply thought out decision

    Bravo, Sir.

    Twitter is now the antithesis of free speech, allowing only speech that Musk approves.

  4. I believe many others will leave Twitter for the same reasons.

    Anyone who is leaving Twitter should consider Mastodon as an alternative (it does have several advantages over Twitter).

    All Mastodon instances belong to a Federation of servers. There is no “one” Mastodon server, like Twitter. Each server is run by a volunteer. You pick a server that encompasses your values in how it moderates and you are then connected to all Mastodon users. Servers can choose to de-federate with other servers that allow unacceptable posts.

    The posts you see are not determined by an AI that tries to control, politicize, and monetize your online behavior, but rather the posts that you want to see. It is so much more comfortable.

    This is why I created a Mastodon instance a couple of weeks ago, https://hear-ye.com/about so that there is a better experience available to people who flee Twitter. Come check it out and be a part of a better social world!

  5. Thank you BUSPH for taking the lead on this! I am an academic and am asking my university (a big one) to consider creating a Mastedon instance and consider other options as well, for all the reasons listed above.

  6. I also left Twitter completely. I moved to Mastodon, which is completely open-source and decentralised social network. Can’t wait to see you on Mastodon.

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