BUSPH Alumni Mentorship Program (AMP).


Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) Alumni Mentorship Program (AMP) provides lifelong career and professional development to the BUSPH alumni community. Upon applying to the program, current second-year graduate students and alumni are matched with mentors who share similar academic and career interests, with the purpose of fostering professional growth for current and future public health practitioners.


Mentors and mentees are matched primarily using areas of professional interest, professional expertise, and any other criteria relevant to the mentor/mentee relationship.

Applications for mentorship are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year (September-May). If a compatible match is not available at the time of application, an effort will be made to find one soon thereafter. Alumni applications will be kept on file for up to two years to ensure the broadest pool of mentors. Applicants will be notified via email when they have been matched with a mentor/mentee.


Mentors are BUSPH alumni and trusted friends, such as members of our advisory councils, who have volunteered to share their career experiences with fellow alumni and with second-year BUSPH students. Mentors will share knowledge and insight on their professional background and experiences and help their mentees establish a plan to achieve their short and long-term career goals.


Mentees are BUSPH alumni and second-year graduate students who wish to be matched with mentors. Students or alums can receive support and feedback on a range of topics, including job applications, interviewing, and networking.



  • Actively listen to the needs and expectations of the mentee
  • Work with the mentee to establish realistic and obtainable goals
  • Honor commitments made to the mentee
  • Offer positive and constructive feedback
  • Respect the mentee’s time and confidentiality
  • Keep the mentee aware of their progress
  • Contact the mentee in a timely manner if unable to attend scheduled meetings
  • Notify BUSPH Alumni Relations if a problem or concern arises regarding the mentee / mentor relationship


  • Discuss expectations and goals with your mentor
  • Commit to agreed-upon goals
  • Keep an open mind in conversations; be receptive to suggestions and feedback
  • Be unafraid to ask questions
  • Respect mentor’s time and confidentiality
  • Be professional at all times
  • Contact mentor in a timely manner if unable to attend scheduled events or meetings
  • Notify BUSPH Alumni Relations if a problem or concern arises regarding the mentee / mentor relationship

Mentors will be asked to contact their mentees at least once a month (on the phone, by email, or in person) over a period of six months. Mentors and mentees will determine the date, time, and format of their meetings.


Applications for mentorship are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.

Alumni Application (Note: Alumni interested in being both a mentor and mentee, please fill out the form twice.)

Graduate Student Application


  • Attend one of SPH’s Alumni and Friends Networking Events
  • Connect with your peers in the Boston University School of Public Health Alumni group on LinkedIn
  • Join the BU Connects platform to connect with fellow alumni and to offer and seek mentoring in a more informal capacity
    • Create an account and update your profile
    • Under the “Mentoring” tab in the sidebar, update your settings to “Offer Mentoring” and/or “Seek Mentoring”
    • Search for mentors within the BU-wide platform by region, job function, company, or industry OR navigate to the “Groups & Networks” tab in the sidebar and select “School of Public Health Network,” where you can browse member profiles of fellow BUSPH alumni and students to find potential mentors!

If you have any questions, please contact Kimberly Graham at grahamk@bu.edu.