Heine Publishes Article on Summit of Americas and Active Non-Alignment
While the most mentioned country – Cuba – was not present at the Summit of the Americas, another country, present in everyone’s mind, was passed over in silence – China. What is this a symptom of? Ambassador Heine explains.
Heine Interviewed on U.S. Diplomatic Standing with Latin America
Ambassador Heine breaks down the diplomatic shortcomings of the Summit of the Americas, Latin America’s increased engagement with China, as well as the shifting political tides in the region.
Heine Argues for Change in U.S. Policy Towards Latin America
“The fact that a mere 23 leaders showed up…for the IX Summit of the Americas, whereas 34 attended the 2015 summit in Panama, is the best indicator of the failure of the Biden administration’s policy towards Latin America.”
Heine Discusses Summit of the Americas on “CGTN“
While Ambassador Heine is still hopeful that something can come of the Summit, he argued that the Biden administration’s failure to drastically change its policy approach to the region from that of former President Donald Trump has compromised inter-American relations.
Heine Comments on the Summit of the Americas and War in Ukraine
Ambassador Heine spoke at great length about the Biden administration’s ill-advised decision to exclude certain Latin American countries from the Summit of the Americas, a pity considering the continent has been “the epicenter of the pandemic” suffering great human and economic casualties.
Heine Comments on Summit of the Americas & U.S.-Latin American Relations
While he had hoped for more from President Joe Biden in regards to Latin America, Ambassador Heine describes his approach to the region as “Trump-lite,” where the “rhetoric has been toned down, but the policies have continued very much along the same lines.”
Heine Interviewed on IX Summit of the Americas
During his interview, Ambassador Heine elaborates on some of the key items on the Summit’s agenda and on the fallout of so many heads of state and government from the hemisphere skipping the meeting.
Heine Joins University of Chile Panel on the Summit of the Americas
The Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile convened regional experts for a webinar to explore what issues will be covered during the Summit and how they will shape multilateralism on the continent.
Heine Publishes Op-ed on Upcoming Summit of the Americas
“Why does the U.S. treat ASEAN differently than Latin America? Because ASEAN acts jointly, which makes it a valid interlocutor with great projection.”
Heine & Ray Explore Troubling Lead-Up to Summit of the Americas
“The run-up to the IX Summit of the Americas shows that the zero-sum, exclusionary approach to the development challenges of the Americas initiated by the Trump administration and continued by Biden is a dead-end street.”
Heine Offers Insights on Upcoming Summit of the Americas
“Distorting the Summit of the Americas in this way, and transforming it into a kind of ‘club of friends’ of the government in power in Washington, harms not only the region, but also the basic principles of Pan-Americanism.”
Eckstein in El Mercurio on Trump and the Summit of the Americas
Prof. Susan Eckstein discussed United States President Donald Trump’s planned visit to the Summit of the Americas.