Stern Delivers Cyril Foster Lecture at Oxford
On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, Jessica Stern, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, presented the 2023 Cyril Foster Lecture: “Nuclear Terrorism: What is the Threat?” Over the past 50 years, the Cyril Foster Lecture series has delivered engaging lectures from some of the world’s most influential policymakers and academics. It is…
Stern in Today’s Zaman: The Religion of ISIS
Jessica Stern talks ISIS in an exclusive interview published Jan. 29 in Today’s Zaman.
Jessica Stern Testifies Before Senate on ISIS
Jessica Stern testified before the Committee on Homeland Security in Washington, D. C. on Wednesday, Jan. 20.
Jessica Stern in POV: What To Do About ISIS
Professor Jessica Stern has written a POV series article offering insight in dealing with ISIS.
Stern in the Media: The ISIS Paradox
Professor Jessica Stern said that fighting ISIS had paradoxically contributed to its appeal.
Town Hall Event Examines Paris, Beirut
The Pardee School brought over a century of expertise and scholarship on security, intelligence and global studies together to discuss the recent Paris terrorist attacks.
Jessica Stern to Join Pardee School Faculty
Jessica Stern, internationally-renowned expert on terrorism, will join the Pardee School effective Spring 2016.