• Michelle Samuels

    Michelle Samuels Profile

    She can be reached at msamu@bu.edu.

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There are 2 comments on More Evidence for Masks—and Why They’re Not Enough on Their Own

  1. London England.
    Reduction in public transport use is huge. Distancing of greater than 2m or 7 ft is easy and by observation it is practised by the vast majority as well as face mask wearing.
    Coughing and sneezing are completely unheard.
    For half the last 12 months mingling restrictions have meant for half those months public transport and supermarkets are the only places of likely contact and transmission.
    Online shopping has emptied supermarkets.
    Face masks are very much a subordinate measure in the observed transmission reduction.
    Transmission is most likely with close familiar mixing in social bubbles where masks are not deemed polite when face to face contact is the accepted sign of trust.

  2. There appears more & more evidence pointing to Aerosal Covid as the over whelming greater danger to populace than surface contamination What have you found as pertains to Air movement/Air turnover/HEPA air purifiers? Thank you for your input Harry Beach

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