Boston University partners with The UPS Store to provide you with safe, convenient, and economical shipping and storage options. There are multiple, convenient pick-up and drop-off locations on the Charles River Campus.

Summer Storage Return
If you placed personal belongings into the The UPS Store Student Storage Program, your items will be available in designated areas near your check-in location. Please follow the posted signage to locate your storage return location.

The UPS Store Student Storage Program will pick up all of your items from campus on a day of your choosing, store them in a safe and clean facility for the summer, and deliver them the day you return to campus in the fall. The UPS Store also has free boxes and tape available at each location for UPS Store Summer Storage customers!

The UPS Store makes coming to school easy and stress free with their Ship Ahead Service. This includes receiving, storing in a climate-controlled warehouse (up to one month), and curbside delivery of your items when you arrive on the BU campus.

Visit the UPS Store website for additional information on the Student Storage Program and Ship Ahead Service and to sign up.