Living on Campus in the Summer
Here’s all you need to know to enjoy life in the heart of the city this summer.
Summer Residences and Office Locations
The summer residence offices will be open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and every night from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.. There is a Resident Assistant (RA) on call Monday through Friday from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m., and on weekends and holidays from 9 a.m. to 9 a.m. the following day. On-call schedules will be posted in the residence lobbies and/or vestibule area of your residence.
All furnishings contained within an apartment, suite or room need to remain in the unit. This applies in all cases, including rooms and apartments that contain furniture for more than the number of students currently assigned there. BU Housing is the only office on campus authorized to remove or move furniture from or in any on-campus residence.
Maintenance Concerns
If you discover a maintenance concern during your move-in, please contact your summer residence office and speak with a member of the Residence Life staff.
At all other times, please contact your RA or the RA on-call, or your summer residence office which is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and daily from 7 p.m. to 10 pm.
After you move out, BU Housing and Facilities Management & Planning will inspect your residence for damage(s) and, if found, assess you the appropriate charge(s).
Lockouts, Lost Keys, and Lock Changes
During normal business hours, you should contact your summer residence hall office to report lockouts and lost or stolen keys. Outside of business hours, contact the Resident Assistant (RA) on call. There is a fee for a lock change and replacement keys.
Safety Tips
Please remember to:
- keep your room/apartment locked at all times and carry your key(s) with you
- identify positively through the door peephole or through verbal response anyone who asks to come in
- do not allow anyone into your residence who is not your guest
- contact the BU Police Department (617-353-2121) if you see anyone who looks suspicious in your residence
- report immediately any exit door that is broken
- close any door you find propped open
- exercise caution; avoid walking alone at night; find someone to walk with you
- carry your Terrier Card with you at all times
Terrier Cards
For more information about Terrier Cards visit the Terrier Cards web page.
Mail and Telephone Service
Please select the residence type to view more specific mail information or telephone service.
Traditional-Style Residences Mail
If you are assigned to a traditional-style room in 610 Beacon Street, you will receive your mail via your assigned mailbox on the first floor of 610 Beacon Street. Packages will also be delivered to the 610 Beacon Street mail room on the first floor. Mail arrives at your residence mail room location Monday through Friday. Your mailing address is the actual location where you pick up your mail. Remember, it is important that your mailbox number be included in your address, above the street number. The residence mail room staff can only deliver mail that is correctly addressed and which includes your full name. Mail that is undeliverable will be returned to sender.
Be sure the following address format is used on all mail and packages sent to you:
Your first and last name
Box S-_____ (your mailbox number)
610 Beacon Street
Boston , MA 02215
Don’t forget to notify your correspondents to include your mailbox number (not your room number) and to use “S” in front of your mailbox number in the mailing address. If a package arrives for you in the mail room, you will receive an email. This email indicates that a package is waiting for you at the mail room. You will need to bring your Terrier Card to your residence mail room to pick up your package. The mail room is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can pick up your package during these hours. It is important to us that only you receive your package, so only the person to whom the package is addressed may sign for it.
We are not equipped to handle outgoing mail, but there are plenty of outgoing mail boxes around campus. There is a United States Post Office in Kenmore Square.
Whenever you have an important item being mailed to you, such as airline tickets or a check that you need now, it is a good idea to send these items registered, certified, or express mail, return-receipt requested. This allows you to track your mail item if it is lost. Remember, regular mail is not traceable. If you are not receiving your mail, talk to your residence mail room staff. Every effort will be made to assist you. For residence mail room concerns, you may call 617-353-2307
If you leave University housing any time prior to the end of the summer, your mail will be returned to sender unless you update your home address in the MyBU Student Portal.
Apartment-Style Residences Mail
If you are assigned to an apartment-style room in 33 Harry Agganis Way, you will receive your mail via your assigned mailbox in the mail room on the 2nd floor. Packages will also be delivered to the 33 Harry Agganis Way mail room on the 2nd floor. Mail arrives at your residence mail room location Monday through Friday. Your mailing address is the actual location where you pick up your mail. Remember, it is important that your mailbox number be included in your address, above the street number. The residence mail room staff can only deliver mail that is correctly addressed and which includes your full name. Mail that is undeliverable will be returned to sender.
Be sure the following address format is used on all mail and packages sent to you:
Your first and last name
Box S-_____ (your mailbox number)
33 Harry Agganis Way
Boston , MA 02215
Don’t forget to notify your correspondents to include your mailbox number (not your room number) and to use “S” in front of your mailbox number in the mailing address. All students living in 33 Harry Agganis Way will be able to pick up packages they receive at the 33 Harry Agganis Way mail room on the 2nd floor. You will receive an email when a package arrives for you. This email indicates that a package is ready for pick up for you at the mail room. You will need to bring your Terrier Card to your residence mail room to pick up your package. The mail room is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can pick up your package during these hours. It is important to us that only you receive your package, so only the person to whom the package is addressed may sign for it.
Questions regarding United States Postal Service mail delivery may be directed to the United States Postal Customer Service Line, 1-800-275-8777 or online at
If you leave University housing any time prior to the end of the summer, your mail will be returned to sender unless you complete a change-of-address form online at
Telephone Service
You are responsible for arranging with Verizon (888-339-7306) for summer telephone service and, if applicable, for the disconnection of your academic year telephone service if you were assigned on campus during the spring semester.
Remember to arrange with Verizon for the disconnection of your telephone service at the end of the summer.