Archives: 1981-1982
Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
22nd Annual Program
- October 6, 1981 | Rationality and Social Theory: Beyond Objectivism and Relativism
- October 13, 1981 | Universals, Nature, and Culture: Some Remarks on the Epistemology of the Human Sciences
- October 20, 1981 | Relevance of History to the Philosophy of Science
- October 27, 1981 | Medical Spirits I: Spirits and Magic
- October 29, 1981 | Medical Spirits II: Spirits in Procreation and Embryology
- November 3, 1981 | Backward Causation: Causes After Their Effects
- November 10, 1981 | Psychologism and the Methodology of Science
- November 12, 1981 | Medical Spirits III: Spirits in Francis Bacon
- November 17, 1981 | Humor on a Winter’s Eve: Oppression and Liberation
- November 19, 1981 | Medical Spirits IV: Spirits and God and the Soul
- November 24, 1981 | The Unity of Physics
- December 1, 1981 | Risks of Risk Assessment
- December 8, 1981 | One Way Mirror: Market as Social Structure
- December 15, 1981 | The Quincunxial Resolution of Lattice Imperfections: A Universal Metaphor?
- January 19, 1982 | Thomas Kuhn Lecture I: What are Scientific Revolutions?
- January 21, 1982 | Thomas Kuhn Lecture II: Linguistic Concomitants of Revolutionary Change
- January 26, 1982 | Aristotle’s ‘Common Explanation’ of Animal Motion
- February 2, 1982 | The Science and Politics of the Origin of Life
- February 9, 1982 | Some Notes for a History of Quantum Field Theory: 1940-1950
- February 16, 1982 | Scientific Instruments as Artificial Revelation
- February 23, 1982 | Is a Realist Interpretation of Quantum Theory Possible?
- March 2, 1982 | Folk Psychology and Scientific Psychology: Friends or Enemies?
- March 16, 1982 | You are What You Eat?
- March 23, 1982 | Symposium – Conceptual Problems in Geology Lecture I: Logic of Geological Discovery
- March 23, 1982 | Symposium – Conceptual Problems in Geology Lecture II: Natural Philosophy or Natural History? Tensions in the Concept of Geology
- March 30, 1982 | A Mathematical Model of Continuous Discrete Behavior
- April 6, 1982 | The Borrowing of the Concept of Energy in Freudian Psychoanalysis
- April 13, 1982 | Kant’s Epistemology as a Theory of Alienated Knowledge
- April 20, 1982 | Formal Versus Efficient Causation in General Relativity
- April 23, 1982 | Symposium – Centenary of P. W. Bridgman Lecture I: Thermodynamics, Geophysics, and Physics at High Pressures
- April 24, 1982 | Symposium – Centenary of P. W. Bridgman Lecture II: Operationalism and Philosophy of Science
- April 27, 1982 | Abraham Robinson: Infinitesimals, Non-Standard Analysis and the Foundations of Mathematics
- May 4, 1982 | From Boole to Popper: Truth Functions and Probability Functions
Rationality and Social Theory: Beyond Objectivism and Relativism
October 6th, 1981
Albrecht Wellmer, Philosophy, University of Konstanz
Commentator: Thomas McCarthy, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: James W. Schmidt
Universals, Nature, and Culture: Some Remarks on the Epistemology of the Human Sciences
October 13th, 1981
Sergio Moravia, Philosophy, University of Florence
Commentator: Marx W. Wartofsky, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
Relevance of History to the Philosophy of Science
October 20, 1981
John Passmore, History of Ideas, The Australian National University, Canberra
Commentator: Joseph Agassi, Philosophy, Boston University and Tel-Aviv University
Chair: Richard M. Martin
Medical Spirits: 4 Lectures
D.P. Walker, The Warburg Institute, London
[In association with the University Professors Program]
I. Spirits and Magic
October 27, 1981
Terrace Lounge
Commentator: Laurence Breiner, English, Boston University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
II. Spirits in Procreation and Embryology
October 29, 1981
GSU 315
Commentator: Diana Long Hall, History of Biology, Boston University
Chair: Anthony Leeds
III. Spirits in Francis Bacon
November 12, 1981
Terrace Lounge
Commentator: Joseph Agassi, Philosophy, Boston University and Tel Aviv University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
IV. Spirits and God and the Soul
November 19, 1981
Terrace Lounge
Commentator: Katherine Park, History of Renaissance Science and Philosophy, Wellesley College
Chair: Rodolfo Cardona
Backward Causation: Causes After Their Effects
November 3, 1981
Bob Brier, Philosophy, HC.W. Post Center of Long Island University
Commentator: Michael Martin, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Kenneth Brecher
Psychologism and the Methodology of Science
November 10, 1981
John Wettersten, Philosophy, Hochschule Siegen
Commentator: Martha Herbert, Philosophy and Psychology, Boston University Center
Chair: Joseph Agassi
Humor on a Winter’s Eve: Oppression and Liberation
November 17, 1981
Joseph Boskin, History, Boston University
Commentator: Marx W. Wartofsky, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Richard Sens
The Unity of Physics
November 24, 1981
C. F. V. Weizsacker, Physics and Philosophy, Max-Planck-Institut für Sozial-wissenschaften, Starnberg
Commentator: John Stachel, Physics, Boston University and the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Chair: Marx W. Wartofsky
Risks of Risk Assessment
December 1, 1981
Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Philosophy, University of Louisville
Commentator: Sheldon Krimsky, Urban and Environmental Policy, Tufts University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
One Way Mirror: Market as Social Structure
December 8, 1981
Harrison C. White, Sociology, Harvard University
Commentator: S. M. Miller, Sociology, Boston University; Ralph Miliband, Sociology, Brandeis University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
The Quincunxial Resolution of Lattice Imperfections: A Universal Metaphor?
December 15, 1981
Cyril Stanley Smith, Metallurgy and History of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Commentator: F.J. Zucker, System Theory and Philosophy, KGHW Research and Development Associates, Belmont
Chair: Joseph Agassi
Two Lectures – Thomas Kuhn
Thomas Kuhn, Philosophy and History of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I. What are Scientific Revolutions?
January 19, 1982
Commentator: Joe D. Van Zandt, Philosophy of Science, University of Kansas and Boston University Center
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
II. Linguistic Concomitants of Revolutionary Change
January 21, 1982
Commentator: Marx M. Wartofsky, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
Aristotle’s ‘Common Explanation’ of Animal Motion
January 26, 1982
[In association with the Greater Boston Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy]
Martha Craven Nussbaum, Classics and Philosophy, Harvard University
Commentators: Marjorie Grene, Philosophy, Boston University; Deborah Modrak, Ancient Philosophy, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C., and Rice University
Chair: Scott Austin
The Science and Politics of the Origin of Life
February 2, 1982
Everett Mendelsohn, History of Science, Harvard University
Commentator: Lynn Margulis, Biology, Boston University
Chair: Thomas Glick
Some Notes for a History of Quantum Field Theory: 1940-1950
February 9, 1982
S. S. Schweber, Physics, Brandeis University
Commentator: Peter Galison, History of Physics, Harvard University
Chair: Abner Shimony
Scientific Instruments as Artificial Revelation
February 16, 1982
Derek de Solla Price, History of Science, Yale University
Commentator: Robert S. Cohen, Physics and Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Marx W. Wartofsky
Is a Realist Interpretation of Quantum Theory Possible?
February 23, 1982
Henry Krips, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Melbourne
Commentator: Abner Shimony, Physics and Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
Folk Psychology and Scientific Psychology: Friends or Enemies?
March 2, 1982
Myles Brand, Philosophy, University of Arizona
Commentator: Ned J. Block, Philosophy of Psychology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chair: Marjorie Grene
You are What You Eat?
March 16, 1982
Leon Kass, Biochemistry and Human Biology, University of Chicago
Commentator: Barbara Rosenkrantz, History of Science, Harvard University
Chair: Diana Long Hall
Symposium: Conceptual Problems in Geology
March 23, 1982
I. The Logic of Geological Discovery
David B. Kitts, Geology and History of Science, University of Oklahoma
II. Natural Philosophy or Natural History? Tensions in the Concept of Geology
Rachel Laudan, History and Philosophy of Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Chair: Mohamed Gheith
A Mathematical Model of Continuous Discrete Behavior
March 30, 1982
Anatol Holt, Logic and Computer Science, Massachusetts Computer Associates, Inc.
Commentator: Rohit Parikh, Mathematics, Boston University
Chair: Richard M. Martin
The Borrowing of the Concept of Energy in Freudian Psychoanalysis
April 6, 1982
Yehuda Elkana, Philosophy and History of Science, Tel-Aviv University and Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation
Commentator: Richard Sens, Psychiatry, Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and Boston University Center
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
Kant’s Epistemology as a Theory of Alienated Knowledge
April 13, 1982
Gernot Bohme, Philosophy, Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt
Commentator: Robert Paul Wolff, Philosophy, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Chair: Seyla Benhabib
Formal Versus Efficient Causation in General Relativity
April 20, 1982
Roberto Torretti, Philosophy, University of Puerto Rico
Commentator: John Stachel, Physics, Boston University and the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Chair: Kenneth Brecher
Symposium: Centenary of P. W. Bridgman
[In association with the American Academy of Arts and Sciences]
I. Thermodynamics, Geophysics, and Physics at High Pressures
April 23, 1982
Chair: Gerald J. Holton
II. Operationalism and Philosophy of Science
April 24, 1982
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
Abraham Robinson: Infinitesimals, Non-Standard Analysis and the Foundations of Mathematics
April 27, 1982
Joseph W. Dauben, History of Science, Harvard University
Commentator: Rohit Parikh, Mathematics, Boston University
Chair: Stephen Grossberg
From Boole to Popper: Truth Functions and Probability Functions
May 4, 1982
Hugues Leblanc, Logic and Philosophy, Temple University
Commentator: Judson Webb, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Richard M. Martin