Archives 1969-1970
Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
10th Annual Program
- October 16, 1969 | Human Powers
- October 28, 1969 | Perception and Philosophy of Science
- November 4, 1969 | Clinical Judgement and ‘Basic Science’
- November 13, 1969 | Individual, Community and Change
- November 25, 1969 | Verification of Statistical Predictions
- December 11, 1969 | University Centennial Symposium
- December 27-29 | Philosophical Foundations of Science
- January 15, 1970 | Two Types of Continuity
- January 27, 1970 | The Formal Presentation of Physical Quantities
- February 10, 1970 | Scientific Rationality and the Politics of Revolution
- March 10, 1970 | Methodology or Heuristics, Strategy or Tactics
- TBD, 1970 | On Human Reason
- April 14, 1970 | Hidden Variables and Quantum Logic
- April 27-29, 1970 | Frege’s Theory of Meaning: Three Lectures
Human Powers
October 16, 1969
Rom Harre, Philosophy, Oxford University
Commentator: Charles Taylor, Philosophy, University of Montreal
Perception and Philosophy of Science
October 28, 1969
Huseyin Yilmaz, Physics, Communications Machines, Inc.
Commentator: Edmond M. Dewan, Physics, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories
Clinical Judgement and ‘Basic Science’
November 4, 1969
Alvin Feinstein, M.D., Department of Medicine and Epidemiology; Yale University School of Medicine
Commentators: Richard Wolff, M.D., Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Hospital; Joseph Agassi, Philosophy, Boston University
Individual, Community and Change: Two Lectures
November 13, 1969
I. Community Pathology and Personal Effectiveness
Kenneth B. Clark, Psychology, Metropolitan Applied Research Center, N.Y.
II. Social Perception and Social Change
I. C. Jarvie, Anthropology, York University, Toronto
Verification of Statistical Predictions
November 25, 1969
Mark Kac, Mathematics, Rockefeller University
Commentator: Henry Kyburg, Logic, University of Rochester
University Centennial Symposium: The Logic of Scientific Discovery
December 11, 1969
Karl Popper, Philosophy, London School of Economics and Brandeis University
Philosophical Foundations of Science
Symposia Sponsored Jointly by the Boston Colloquium and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS Annual Meeting)
War Memorial Room 103
December 27, 28, 29, 1969
Physics and the Explanation of Life
Eugene P. Wigner, Princeton University
J. Bronowski, The Salk Institute
Isaac Asimov, Boston University Medical School
Chairman: George Wald, Harvard University
Present Status of the Unity of Science Thesis
Peter Achinstein, John Hopkins University
Herbert Bohnert, Michigan State University
Kenneth Schaffner, University of Pittsburgh
Comments: Gerald Holton, Harvard University
Robert S. Cohen, Boston University
Chairman: Ernest Nagel, Columbia University
Brain and Language
Noam Chomsky, M.I.T.
Norman Geschwind, Harvard Medical School
Eric Lenneberg, Cornell University
Comments: Stephen Toulmin, Michigan State University
Chairman: Marx Wartofsky, Boston University
Objectivity in Anthropology
Judith Agassi, Radcliffe Institute
Ian Jarvie, York University
Jacob Gruber, Temple University
Paul Collins, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Anthony Leeds, University of Texas
Chairman: John M. Roberts, Cornell University
Current Problems of Cosmology
Peter Bergmann, Syracuse University
E. R. Harrison, University of Massachusetts
Philip Morrison, M.I.T.
John Wheeler, Princeton University
David Layzer, Harvard University
Chairman: John Stachel, Boston University
Comparative History and Sociology of Science
Benjamin Schwartz, Harvard University
Benjamin Nelson, The New School
Robert S. Cohen, Boston University
Stephen Toulmin, Michigan State University
Karl H. Niebyl, Temple University and University of Connecticut
Comments: Ernan McMullin, University of Notre Dame
Chairman: Joseph Agassi, Boston University
Two Types of Continuity
January 15, 1970
Milic Capek, Philosophy, Boston University
Commentator: R.S. Cohen, Physics, Boston University
The Formal Presentation of Physical Quantities
January 27, 1970
Bas Van Fraasen, Philosophy, University of Toronto
Commentators: John Stachel, Physics, Boston University; E. J. Post, Physics, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories
Scientific Rationality and the Politics of Revolution
February 10, 1970
Margarete Buber-Neumann
Commentator: Marx Wartofsky, Philosophy, Boston University
Methodology or Heuristics, Strategy or Tactics
March 10, 1970
George Polya, Mathematics, Stanford University
Commentator: Marvin Minsky, Mathematics, M.I.T.
On Human Reason
TBD, 1970
Michael Polanyi, Philosophy and Chemistry, Oxford University
Hidden Variables and Quantum Logic
April 14, 1970