Archives: 2001–2002

Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
42nd Annual Program


Identity—A Relation Neither Definable Nor Reducible Nor Supervenient

September 21, 2001
4 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Charles Griswold Boston University

David Wiggins Oxford University and Boston University

A Dialogue on Quantum Dialogue: The Making of a Revolution

October 1, 2001
3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Mara Beller Hebrew University

Don Howard University of Notre Dame

John Stachel Boston University

Explanatory Models in Development Biology

October 15, 2001
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Alfred I. Tauber Boston University

On Seeing and Knowing: The Visual Culture of Molecular Embryology

Evelyn Fox Keller Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bottom-up and Top-down Explanation in Development Biology: Must Gene Expression Remain the Gold Standard?

Scott Gilbert Swarthmore College

Boundary Issues

Susan Oyama CUNY Graduate Center, Emeritus

Concerning Symmetries and Unification

November 1, 2001
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Tian Cao Boston University

Symmetries: Physics or Metaphysics?

Margaret Morrison University of Toronto

Philosophical Foundations for the Bohr-Dirac Program of “Quantization”

Michael Dickson Indiana University

Chaos, Models, and Unification

Alisa Bokulich Boston University

Scientific Biography and the Biographer

November 6, 2001
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Morning Session, 9 a.m. – Noon

  • Moderator: Horce Freeland Judson Boston University

  • Isomorphic Displacement as Formative of the Critical Imagination

    Pnina Abir-am Rockefeller University and Harvard University

  • Science, Biography, and Identity

    Eric Wilson Wake Forest University

  • Autobiography as Biography: The Naturalists’ Journal

    Alfred Tauber Boston University

Afternoon Session, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

  • Moderator: Robert S. Cohen Boston University

  • Plutarch Revisited: Varieties of Science Writing in the 1990’s

    Thomas Soderqvist University of Copenhagen

  • Vision, Revision, and the Scientific Life

    Nathaniel Comfort George Washington University

  • Darwin’s Life in Letters: Sources as Strategy

    Janet Browne Wellcome Institute

Tarski on Truth: A Centennial Celebration

December 3, 2001
10 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Aki Kanamori Boston University

Morning Session, 10 a.m. – Noon

  • Tarski, Quine, and the Transcendence of the Vernacular ‘True’

    Jodi Azzouni Tufts University

  • Reflection Principles and Tarski’s Theory of Consequence

    Van McGee Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Afternoon Session, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

  • Reflection, Hierarchies, and the ‘Essentially Richer’ Metalanguage

    Michael Glanzberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • ‘T-Sentences’

    Richard Heck Harvard University

  • Tarski’s Philosophical Assumptions

    Jaakko Hintikka Boston University

Between Philosophy and Psychiatry: Historical and Current Themes

February 4, 2002
1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Robert S. Cohen Boston University

Bridging Phenomenology and the Asylum: Ludwig Binswanger’s Existential Analysis

Susan Lanzoni Harvard University

The Psychiatric Unconscious: Before and After Freud

Bettina Bergo Loyola College and Harvard University

Philosophy of Mind in the Clinic: The Relation Between Causal and Meaningful Explanation in Psychiatry

David Brendel McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Persecutory Paranoid Delusion: A Philosophical Evaluation of Subjectivity and Propositional Content

Jennifer Radden University of Massachusetts, Boston

Sense, Meaning, and Quantification in Frege

February 25, 2002
4 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Juliet Floyd Boston University

Commentator: Hugh Baxter Boston University

Thomas Ricketts University of Pennsylvania and Boston University

Normativity and Objectivity in Law

March 11, 2002
4 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Frederick Lawrence Boston University

Commentator: Hugh Baxter Boston University

Dennis Patterson Rutgers University

Understanding How the Brain Sees: From Marr to Grossberg

March 25, 2002
1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Alisa Bokulich Boston University

Marr and Computational Functionalism

John Symons University of Texas, El Paso

Vision, As Seen From Within

Dan Lloyd Trinity College

Is Cognitive Neuroscience Getting the Job Done?

Michael Gazzaniga Dartmouth College

Models of How the Brain Sees

Stephen Grossberg Boston University

The Robert S. Cohen Forum: Contemporary Issues in Science Studies

Fate of the Enlightenment: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Stanley Rosen

April 1, 2002
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Morning Session, 9 a.m. – Noon

  • Moderator: David Roochnik Boston University

  • The Enlightenment Project: Aristophanic Reflections

    Paul Rah University of Tulsa

  • The Ambiguity of ‘Common Sense’ in the British Enlightenment

    Laurent Jaffro Institut Universitaire de France

  • Reconciliation with Imperfection: Conflicts of Enlightenment and Unenlightenment

    Charles Griswold Boston University

Afternoon Session, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

  • Moderator: Herbert Mason Boston University

  • Multiplicitous Enlightenment

    Michael Gillespie Duke University

  • Counter-Enlightenment

    Robert Pippin University of Chicago

  • Transformation of Enlightenment: Plato, Rosen, and the Postmodern

    Alasdair MacIntyre University of Notre Dame

Nature, The Natural, and The Supernatural: American Perspectives on Nature

April 15, 2002
1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union (GSU)
Boston University
775 Commonwealth Avenue

Moderator: Stephen Prothero Boston University

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Alfred I. Tauber Boston University

William James

Edwin Delattre Boston University

John Dewey

Victor Kestenbaum Boston University

Georgia O’Keeffe

H. Daniel Peck Vassar College

Immunology and Molecular Biology, 1955–1990: Converging Research Programs

June 1–2, 2002
George Washington University
Washington, D.C.
A Workshop Cosponsored with the George Washington University Center for History of Recent Science