
Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
6th Annual Program

Science in Flux: Footnotes to Popper

October 11, 1965

  • Joseph Agassi, Boston University

    Commentator: Judith Jarvis Thomson, M.I.T.

Theory in History

November 1, 1965

  • Leon Goldstein, Harpur College, SUNY

    Commentators: Samuel Beer, Harvard University; John Lavely, Boston University

Relativity and Causality

November 29, 1965

  • Peter Havas, Temple University

    Commentators: John Stachel, Boston University; Philip Morrison, M.I.T.

Matter, Space and Logic

January 10, 1966

  • David Finkelstein, Yeshiva University

  • Commentators: Laszlo Tisza, M.I.T.; Hilary Putnam, Harvard University

On the Methods of Refutation in Metaphysics

January 17, 1966

  • J.O. Wisdom, University of London and University of Southern California

Conceptual Revolutions in Science

February 14, 1966

  • Stephen Toulmin, Boston University

  • Commentator: Louis O. Mink, Wesleyan University


February 28, 1966

  • Asher Moore, University of New Hampshire

  • Commentator: Michael Martin, Boston University

Problems of Empiricism:

I. Epistemology

II. Aesthetics

March 21-22, 1966

  • Paul K. Feyerabend, University of California at Berkeley

  • Commentators: Norman Rudich, Wesleyan University; Marx W. Wartofsky, Boston University; Peter Achinstein, M.I.T. and John Hopkins University

Unity, Beauty, and Economy in Physics

April 4, 1966

  • Eugene Guth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

  • Commentator: Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Radcliffe College

Akrasia and the Practical Syllogism

April 18, 1966

  • Gerasimos Santas, Brandeis University

  • Commentators: Henry L. Ruf, Boston University; John Rawls, Harvard University

    The Philosophy of Praxis

    May 2, 1966

    • Gajo Petrovic, University of Zagreb

    • Commentators: Eva Berczeller, Boston University; Dirk J. Struik, M.I.T.

    From Frege to Godel

    May 9, 1966

    • John van Heijenoort, Brandeis University

    • Commentators: Willard van Orman Quine, Harvard University; Hartley Rogers, M.I.T.

    Perception and the Mind-Body Problem

    May 23, 1966

    • Gyorgy Markus, Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

      Commentator: James Thomson, M.I.T.

    The Role of Models in Theoretical Physics

    June 6, 1966

    • Reinhold Furth, University of London

      Commentators: Philip Morrison, M.I.T.; Peter Bergmann, Syracuse University

    On Teleological Statements in Biology

    June 13, 1966

    • Zdzislaw Kochanski, University of Cracow and Rockefeller University

      Commentators: Charles Gross, Harvard University; Everett Mendelsohn, Harvard University; Milic Capek, Boston University; Ernst Mayr, Harvard University