Archives: 1979-1980

Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
20th Annual Program


Phenomenology and Marxism: Critical Remarks on the Methodology of the Social Sciences

September 25, 1979

  • Mihaly Vajda, University of Bremen

    Commentator: Erazim Kohak, Boston University

What King of Science? Aristotelian Foundations of Marxian Theory

October 2, 1979

  • Heinz Lubasz, University of Essex

    Commentator: Boston University

The Method of Idealization and Factualization in Science

October 16, 1979

  • Wladyslaw Krajewski, University of Warsaw

    Commentator: Philip Morrison, M.I.T.

Ideological and Technical Functions of the Metasciences: Capitalism and the Philosophy of Science

October 23, 1979

  • Jost Halfmann, University of Osnabrück

    Commentator: Allan Janik, Wellesley College

Dialectics of Language and Unified Science

October 30, 1979

  • Joachim Israel, Lund Unversity

    Commentators: Frederick M. Gordon, Boston University; Joseph Agassi, Boston University

A Skeptical History of Micro-Economic Theory

November 6, 1979

  • Alexander Rosenberg, Syracuse University

    Commentator: David Ellerman, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Concepts and Categories in Psychology and Philosophy

November 27, 1979

  • Stephen Toulmin, Dartmouth College and University of Chicago

    Commentator: Thomas Bever, Columbia University

The Influence of Renaissance Art on the Scientific Revolution: The Birth of the Modern Scientific Illustration

December 4, 1979

  • Samuel E. Edgerton, Boston University

    Commentator: I. B. Cohen, Harvard University

Causality and Law: Philosophical Problems of Modeling

December 11, 1979

  • Herbert Hörz, Academy of Science, Berlin-GDR

    Commentator: I. Scheffler, Harvard University

Genetic Epistemology and the Psychology of Physical Explanation

January 15, 1980

  • Barbel Inhelder, University of Geneva

    Commentator: Marx W. Wartofsky

Ethnomethodological  Studies of Naturally Occurring Human Interaction

January 22, 1980

  • George Psathas, Boston University

    Commentator: Davis Rasmussen, Boston College

A Critique of the Maximum Entropy Principle

January 29, 1980

  • Abner Shimony, Boston University

  • Commentator: Ralph Bajerlein, Wesleyan University

Relativistic Thermodynamics, Planck Versus OTT: A Cautionary Tale

February 5, 1980

  • Ronald Newburgh, Rome Air Development Center

    Commentators: Charles R. Willis, Boston University; Peter L. Kellerman, Boston University

The Place of Fact in a World of Value

February 19, 1980

  • Alasdair MacIntyre, Boston University

  • Commentator: Roger Gottlieb, Tufts University


February 26, 1980

  • Steven Weinberg, Tufts University

The Scientist as Author: The Conserving Function of Literature

March 11, 1980

  • Wolf Lepenies, Free University of Berlin and Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

    Commentator: Marx W. Wartofsky, Boston University

Scientific Rationality and Rational Reconstruction

March 25, 1980

  • C. G. Hempel, University of Pittsburgh

    Commentator: Nelson Goodman, Harvard University

Visual Resource Management: Remarks on Nature as a Commodity

April 8, 1980

  • William Leiss, York University

    Commentator: Langdon Winner, M.I.T.

Philosophical Significance of Piaget’s Researches on the Genesis of the Concept of Time

April 15, 1980

  • Milic Capek, Boston University, Emeritus

    Commentator: Bernard Kaplan, Clark University

Scientific Disorders of the Second Kind

April 22, 1980

  • Sheldon Krimsky, Tufts University

    Commentator: Paul Durbin, University of Delaware

Can One Assess the “Quality” of Science?

April 29, 1980

  • Gerald Holton, Harvard University

    Commentator: Dorothy Nelkin, Cornell University

Irreversibility as a Limit of Classical Physics

May 1, 1980

  • I. Prigogine, University of Brussels and University of Austin, Texas

Stegmiller’s Dynamics of Science: A Critical Appraisal

May 6, 1980

  • Mario H. Otero, National University of Mexico

    Commentator: John J. Stachel, Boston University and Princeton University