Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
23rd Annual Program
Main Events directory, single talk events not included in anchor list. Full details below.
- October 5th, 1982 | Cooperation in Evolution
- October 18th, 1982 | Why the Study of Human Behavior Can Never Be Scientific
- October 26th, 1982 | The Quantum View of the World
- November 5-6th, 1982 | Symposium on the Vienna Circle: The Schlick Neurath Centenary
- November 9th, 1982 | Darwinian Theories and Current Controversies
- November 12th-13th, 1982 | Symposium: Spinoza and Science
- November 23rd, 1982 | The Metaphysics of Levi-Strauss’s Structuralism: Two Views
- December 3rd, 1982 | Symposium: Goethe and the Sciences
- December 7th, 1982 | The Riddle of the Nebulae
- December 14th, 1982 | The Manufacture of Knowledge: Descriptive Epistemology of Scientific Work
- February 11th-12th, 1982 | Symposium: Marx and Science
- February 16th, 1982 | Cosmology as Science and as Religion
- February 22nd, 1983 | Symposium: The Decay of the Brain Sciences?
- March 2nd, 1983 | Of Sticks and Stones
- March 15th, 1983 | What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
- March 18th-29th, 1983 | Symposium: Feminism and Science
- March 23rd, 1983 | Science as Symbol
- March 25th, 1983 | Symposium: The Reception of the Theory of Relativity
- April 5th, 1983 | Hypotheses and Mr. Newton
- April 6th, 1983 | Chinese Visions of Nature
- April 12th, 1983 | From the Axioms of Lucretius Toward a Philosophy of Spatial Structure
- April 26th, 1983 | New and Old World Healers–1519
Cooperation in Evolution
October 5th, 1982
Room 314
George Sherman Union
Lynn Margulis, Biology, Boston University
Commentator: Michael McElroy, Atmospheric Sciences, Harvard University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen, Boston University
Why the Study of Human Behavior Can Never be Scientific
October 19th, 1982
CLA 204
Hubert L. Dreyfus, Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
Commentator: Mark Okrent, Philosophy, Bates College
Chair: Marx X. Wartofsky, Boston University
The Quantum View of the World
October 26th, 1982
Michael L.G. Rehead, History and Philosophy of Science, Chelsea College and the University of London
Commentator: Abner Shimony, Philosophy and Physics, Boston University
Chair: Kenneth Brecher
Symposium on the Vienna Circle: the Schlick/Neurath Centenary
Chair: Louise Antony
I. Reflections on the Vienna Circle
November 5th, 1982
Hilary Putnam, Philosophy, Harvard University
I. Positivism and Politics: The Vienna Circle as a Social Movement
November 5th, 1982
Marx W. Wartofsky, Philosophy, Boston University
II. Reminiscences of Carnap on Induction
November 6th, 1982
Abner Shimony, Philosophy and Physics, Boston University
II. Carnap on Artificial Languages and Artificial Lives
November 6th, 1982
- Richard Jeffrey, Philosophy, Princeton University
II. Schlick vs. Neurath
November 6th, 1982
Robert S. Cohen, Physics and Philosophy, Boston University
Darwinian Theories and Current Controversies
November 9th, 1982
Ernst Mayr, Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
Commentator: S. S. Schweber, Physics, Brandeis College
Chair: Diana Long Hall
Symposium: Spinoza and Science
Chair: Marjorie Grene
I. Science in the Century of Spinoza
November 12th, 1982
Nancy Maull, History and Philosophy of Science, Harvard University
I. Spinoza, Philosopher of Natural Science and the Social Sciences
November 12th, 1982
Davis Savan, Philosophy, University of Toronto
I. Spinoza’s Physics
November 12th, 1982
Davis R. Lachterman, Philosophy and History of Science, Vassar College
II. From Here to eternity
November 12th, 1982
Marx W. Wartofsky, Philosophy, Boston University
II. spinoza’s version of the eternity of the mind
November 12th, 1982
Genevieve Lloyd, History of Philosophy, Australian National University, Canberra
III. Self-knowledge as self-preservation?
November 13th, 1982
J. Thomas Cook, Philosophy, Rollins College
III. spinoza and the science of politics: machiavelli, hobbes, spinoza
November 13th, 1982
Joseph Agassi, Philosophy, Boston, York, and Tel-Aviv Universities
The Metaphysics of Lévi-Strauss’s Structuralism: Two Views
November 23rd, 1982
Robert L. Zimmerman, Philosophy, Sarah Lawrence College
Commentator: Bernard Kaplan, Psychology, Clark University
Chair: Marx W. Wartofsky
Symposium: Goethe and the Sciences
Chair: Joseph Agassi
I. Goethe and Helmholtz: science and sensation
December 3, 1982
Jeffrey Barnouw, German Studies, Boston University
I. Are Goethe’s Color theory and Morphology Prototype Alternative Sciences?
December 3, 1982
F. J. Zucker, Microwave Physics, System Theory, Philosophy of Nature, KGHW Research and Development Associates, Belmont
II. Goethe and Psychoanalysis
December 3, 1982
Joseph Margolis, Philosophy, Temple University
II. Getting Goethe’s Gotter: Farbenlehre From a Modern View
December 3, 1982
Jerome Y. Lettvin, Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Riddle of the Nebulae
December 7th, 1982
Michael Hoskin, History of Science, Churchill College, Cambridge
Commentator: S. S. Schweber, Physics, Brandeis University
Chair: Kenneth Brecher
The Manufacture of Knowledge: Descriptive Epistemology of Scientific Work
December 14th, 1982
Karin Knorr-Cetina, Sociology, Wesleyan University
Commentator: Joseph Agassi, Philosophy, Boston, York, and Tel-Aviv Universities
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
Symposium: Marx and Science
I. Chair: Anthony Leeds
II. Chair James W. Schmidt
III. Chair: Thomas McCarthy
I. Karl Marx and the Outcome of Classical Marxism
February 11, 1983
Marx W. Wartofsky, Philosophy, Boston University
I. Was Marx A Historical Materialist Historian of Political Economy?
February 11, 1983
Patrick Murray, Philosophy, Creighton University
I. Individual, Society, and Culture: A Dialectical Materialist Formulation
February 11, 1983
Eleanor Leacock, Anthropology, The City College, CUNY
II. Engels and the Evolution of Upright Posture — Marxist Thought and Human Origins
February 11, 1983
Stephen Jay Gould, Paleontology, Harvard University
II. Contradiction in Biology
February 11, 1983
Richard Levins, Biology, Harvard University
II. Science and the Crisis of U.S. Capitalism
February 11, 1983
John N. Pappademos, Physics, Social Aspects of Science, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
III. Science and Capitalism
February 12, 1983
John Stachel, Physics, Boston University and the Einstein Project, Princeton
III. Labor and Technology in the Historical Process
February 12, 1983
Willis H. Truitt, Philosophy, University of South Florida
III. Marx and the Problem of Technology
February 12, 1983
Gyorgy Markus, Philosophy, University of Sydney
IV. Friedrich Engels: the social sciences model for the natural sciences
February 12, 1983
Erwin N. Hiebert, History of Science, Harvard University
IV. Criteria For Choice in the Construction of Scientific Knowledge
February 12, 1983
Marcello Cini, Physics and Political Economy of Science, University of Rome
IV. Science at the Crossroads: Beyond Hessen
February 12, 1983
Robert S. Cohen, Physics and Philosophy, Boston University
Cosmology as Science and as Religion
February 16, 1983
Stephen Toulmin, Philosophy, University of Chicago
Commentator: Sissela Bok, Philosophy, Harvard University
Chair: Robert C. Mayfield
Symposium: The Decay of the Brain Sciences
Chair: J. M. Harrison
February 22, 1983
The Neurological Vampire and the Philosophical Cross
Norman Geschwind, Neurology, Harvard University and Beth Israel Hospital
The Original Sin of Final Cause
Jerome Y. Lettvin, Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Of Sticks and Stones
March 2nd, 1983
W. V. O. Quine, Philosophy, Harvard University
Commentator: Louisa Antony, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Thomas McCarthy
What do you want to be when you grow up: Science Career Aspirants, a profile
March 15th, 1983
Gabriel Haim, Sociology, Boston University
Commentator: Carol Gilligan, Developmental Psychology, Harvard University
Chair: Sol Levine
Symposium: Feminism and Science
I & II. Chair: Evelyn Fox Keller
III. Chair: Seyla Benhabib
I. How Masculine is Science?
March 18, 1983
Hegla Nowotny, Sociology of Science, European Center for Social Welfare, Vienna
II. The Science Question in Feminism
March 18, 1983
Sandra Harding, Philosophy, University of Delaware
II. Critique as Masculine Ideology: Western Marxism and Socialist Feminism
March 18, 1983
Roger Gottlieb, Social Philosophy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
III. Feminism, Women’s Nature, and Freedom
March 19, 1983
- Nancy Holmstrom, Philosophy, Rutgers University
III. Feminism and the definition of problems in science
March 19, 1983
Caroline Whitbeck, Philosophy of Science, Clinical Reasoning, Feminist Philosophy, MIT Center for Policy Alternatives and Boston University Center
III. Salad Dressings, socks, and science
March 19, 1983
Hilde Hein, Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross
Science as Symbol
March 23, 1983
Huston Smith, Religion, Syracuse University
Commentator: Robert S. Cohen, Physics and Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Ernest L. Fortin
Symposium: The Reception of the Theory of Relativity
Chair: John Stachel
March 25, 1983
I. Is It Possible to Popularize Relativity Theory? A Case Study: France in the early 1920s
Michel Biezunski, History of Science, University of Paris
I. The Italian Mathematicians of Relativity
Judith R. Goodstein, History of Science, California Institute of Technology
II. Einstein in a Latin Key: His Journeys and Intellectual Impact in Spain, Argentina, and Brazil, 1923-1925
Thomas F. Glick, History and Geography, Boston University
II. The Assimilation of Relativity in America: Putting New Wine in Old Bottles
- Stanley Goldberg, History of Science, Hampshire College
Hypotheses and Mr. Newton
April 5, 1983
John Worrall, Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science
Commentator: Laurence Breiner, English, Boston University
Chair: Robert S. Cohen
Chinese Visions of Nature
April 6th, 1983
Tu Wei-Ming, Chinese History and Philosophy, Harvard University
Commentator: Ishwer C. Oiha, Political Science, Boston University
Chair: James D. Purvis
From the Axioms of Lucretius Toward a Philosophy of Spatial Structure
April 12th, 1983
Alan L. McKay, Crytallography, Birkbeck College, University of London
Commentator: Cecil Schneer, Geology, University of New Hampshire
Chair: Kenneth Brecher
New and Old World Healers–1519
April 26th, 1983
Guido Maino, Pathology, and History of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Commentator: Gary Orgel, Philosophy, Boston University
Chair: Mark W. Wartofsky