Archives 1970-1971
Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
11th Annual Program
- October 16 – 17, 1970 | Human Values in a Technological Society
- October 23-25, 1970 | Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting
- December 4-6, 1970 | Hegel and the Sciences
- January 26, 1971 | Functional Organization in Biology
- February 9, 1971 | The Role of Philosophy Among the Sciences
- February 23, 1971 | The Enchanted World: The Reality of False Appearances: Marxist Phenomenology and the Social Sciences
- March 2, 1971 | Inductive Reasoning and the Bayesian Approach to Probabilistic Physics
- March 16, 1971 | Objectivity and the Social Locus of Scientific Knowledge
- March 22 – April 26, 1971 | Scientific Rationality and the Growth of Knowledge
- March 30, 1971 | What Duhem Really Meant
- April 6, 1971 | Logical Atomism and Deep Structure
- April 13, 1971 | Edmund Husserl and the Crisis of Western Science
- April 20, 1971 | Science and Critique: Positivist Methodology vs. Critical Theory in the Social Sciences
- April 27, 1971 | Scientific Realism, Past and Present
- May 4, 1971 | Surface Semantics
Human Values in a Technological Society
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Responsibility in Science
George Sherman Union, Boston University
[In cooperation with BCPS]
I. Science and Politics 1: Conversion From a War – to a Peace-Time Society
October 16, 1970
Room 314
Seymour Melman, Columbia University
Alice Mary Hilton, Institute for Cybercultural Research
Lee Grodzins, M.I.T.
Barrie W. Jones, Cornell University
Chairman: Victor Paschkis, Columbia University
II. Hunger and Population
October 16, 1970
Room 315
Josue de Castro, Centre International pour le Développement
Chairman: Daniel S. Berger, Temple University School of Medicine
III. Reason, Human Nature and Technology 1: Science in the Minds of Youth and of People in General
October 16, 1970
Room 320
Raymond Mungo, Brattleboro, Vermont
Armand Siegel, Boston University
Chairman: William R. Mackavey, Boston University
IV. Public Meeting – Strategies for Change
October 16, 1970
Howard Zinn, Boston University
Chairman: E.U. Condon
V. Reason, Human Nature and Technology 2: Repressive Reason and Liberating Reason
October 17, 1970
Room 314
George Carter, Boston University, Medical School
Marx W. Wartofsky, Boston University
Chairman: Michael G. Cooke, Boston University
VI. Society and Professional Education 1: Scientists and Engineers for People
October 17, 1970
Room 315
T. Paul Torda, Illinois Institute of Technology
John Dixon, University of Massachusetts
Victor Paschkis, Columbia University
Carl Barus, Swarthmore College
Gustav H. Strohmeier, Illinois Institute of Technology
Erich Brueschke, Illinois Institute of Technology
Ronald McNeur, Society for Health and Human Values and United Presbyterian Church
Chairman: Edward G. Ramberg, R. C. A. Laboratories, Princeton, N.J.
VII. Science and Politics 2: The Political Engagement of Scientists
October 17, 1970
Room 320
Jeremy J. Stone, Federation of American Scientists
Herbert M. Meyer, Society for Social Responsibility in Science
Larry W. Beeferman, Boston University
Chairman: Arnold Offner
VIII. Film and Discussion – War’s Children: A Report From Vietnam
October 17, 1970
Conference Auditorium
Herbert Needleman, Committee of Responsibility
Sarah Ramberg, Society for Social Responsibility in Science
IX. Science and Politics 3: The Effects of National Policy and National Particularism on Science
October 17, 1970
Room 314
Dirk J. Struik, M.I.T.
Erwin Hiebert, Harvard University
Robert S. Cohen, Boston University
Chairman: George P. Fulton, Boston University
X. Society and Professional Education 2: Doctors For People
October 17, 1970
Room 315
Victor Sidel, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Herbert L. Hayward, Schuyler Kohl, William Siler, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center
Theodor Rosebury, Washington University
Martin Rubin, New York University, College of Dentistry
C. Gonerales, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City
Donald B. Giddon, Tufts University, College of Dental Medicine
Chairman: J. Malvern Benjamin, Jr., Bionics Instruments, Inc.
XI. Does Science Control People or do People Control Science?
October 17, 1970
Room 320
Melvin Kranzberg, Case-Western Reserve University
Henryk Skolimowski, University of Southern California
Chairman: Sidney A. Burrell, Boston University
XII. Public Meeting, Address: To Do or not to do
October 17, 1970
Salvador E. Luria, M.I.T.
Ronald McNeur, Bernard Sandler, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center
Chairman: E.U. Condon
Philosophy of Science Association
Biennial Meeting
Sheraton-Boston Hotel, Boston, MA
[In cooperation with BCPS]
I. Symposium: Theoretical Entities in Statistical Explanation
October 23, 1970
Grand Ballroom
James Greeno, University of Michigan
Wesley Salmon, Indiana University
Richard Jeffrey, University of Pennsylvania
Chairman: E. H. Madden, SUNY – Buffalo
II. Contributed Papers – Observation
October 23, 1970
Fairfax A
Peter Machamer, Ohio State University. “Observation”
Burke Townsend, University of Hawaii. “Feyerabend’s Pragmatic Theory”
J. O. Wisdom, York University. “Observations as the Building Blocks of Science – Influential Interpretations”
Chairman: Robert Causey, University of Texas at Austin
III. Contributed Papers – Philosophical Problems of Biology
October 23, 1970
Fairfax A
Edward Manier, University of Notre Dame. “Functional Analysis and the Negative Feedback Model”
William Wimsatt, University of Chicago. “Some Problems with the Concept of Feedback”
Stuart Kauffman, University of Chicago. “Articulation-of-parts Explanations in Biology”
Chairman: David Hull, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
IV. Contributed Papers – Equivalence, Analyticity, and in-principle confirmability
October 23, 1970
Independence West
Clark Glymour, Princeton University. “Theoretical Realism and Theoretical Equivalence”
John Winnie, University of Hawaii. “Theoretical Analyticity”
Edward Erwin, SUNY at Stony Brook. “The Confirmation Machine”
Chairman: Richard Schlegel, Michigan State University
V. Contributed Papers – Probability, Statistics and Acceptance
October 23, 1970
Fairfax B
Jaakko Hintikka, Helsinki and Stanford Universities. “The Lottery Paradox and the Concept of Shared Information”
Alex C. Michalos, University of Guelph. “Cost Benefit vs. Expected Utility Acceptance Rules”
Ben Rogers, Wichita State University. “Material Conditions on Tests of Statical Hypotheses”
Chairman: Stephan Korner, University of Bristol
VI. Contributed Papers – Problems in Quantum Physics: Genetic Epistemology
October 24, 1970
Independence East
Paul Fitzgerald, University of Pennsylvania. “Tachyons and Retrocausal Anomalies”
Gen-ichiro Nagasaka, Nanzan University, Japan. “The Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Paradox Reexamined”
Milic Capek, Boston University. “The Significance of Piaget’s Researchers on the Psychogenesis of Atomism”
Chairman: Adolf Grünbaum, University of Pittsburgh
VII. Contributed Papers – Theoretical Pluralism; Understanding; Methodological agreement
October 24, 1970
Independence West
Noretta Koertge, Indiana University. “Theoretical Pluralism and the Unity of Science”
Andrew McLaughlin, Lehman College. “The Role of Method in the Achievement of Factual Agreement in Science”
Michael Scriven, University of California, Berkeley. “The Comprehension Theorem”
Chairman: Marjorie Greene, University of California, Davis
VIII. Contributed Papers – induction and reduction
October 24, 1970
Constitution Room
James Fetzer, University of Kentucky. “Dispositional Probabilities”
Bernard Gendron, University of Texas. “Neurological and Psychological Theories: A Critique of the Hardware Thesis”
Nelson Pole, Cleveland State University. “Self-Supporting Inductive Arguments”
Chairman: Bernard Baumrin, Lehman College, CUNY
IX. Symposium: Capacities and Natures
October 24, 1970
Constitution Room
Milton Fisk, Indiana University
Ernan McMullin, University of Notre Dame
Bruce Aune, University of Massachusetts
Chairman: Henryk Skolimowski, University of Southern California
X. Contributed Papers – Scientific Theories: Comparison and change
October 24, 1970
Independence East
Scott Kleiner, University of Georgia. “The Methodological Commensurability of Theories”
Carl Kordig, Memphis State University. “Objective, Scientific Change and Self-Reference”
Warren Siemens, ABT Associates. “A Logical Empiricist Theory of Scientific Change”
Chairman: Israel Scheffler, Harvard University
XI. Contributed Papers – The Future of Philosophy of science; theory in the social sciences
October 24, 1970
Independence West
Ronald Giere, Indiana University. “Logic, Methodology, and the Future of Philosophy of Science”
Stephen Toulmin, Michigan State University. “From Logical Systems to Conceptual Populations”
Paul Morrison, SUNY, Brockport. “Two Kinds of Theory in the Social Sciences”
Chairman: Dudley Shapere, University of Chicago
XII. Symposium: History of Science and its Rational Reconstruction
October 25, 1970
Imre Lakatos, London School of Economics
Thomas Kuhn, Princeton University
Richard J. Hall, Michigan State University
Chairman: Arthur Fine, Cornell University
XIII. Contributed Papers – Relativity and Congruence
October 25, 1970
Carlo Giannoni, Rice University. “Einstein and the Lorentz-Poincare Theory”
Edwin Levy, University of British Columbia. “Completing Radical Translations: Examples, Limitations, and Implications”
Gerald Massey, University of Pittsburgh. “Is ‘Congruence’ a Peculiar Predicate?”
Chairman: Davis Gruender, Florida State University
Hegel and the Sciences
[In cooperation with the Hegel Society of America]
I. Hegel and the Concept of Science
December 4, 1970
Kenley Dove, Yale University
Robert S. Cohen, Boston University
Commentators: Daniel Dook, Lehman College; John Lachs, Vanderbilt University; George Schrader, Yale University
II. Hegel and the History and Philosophy of Science
December 4, 1970
Henry Paolucci, St. John’s University
Commentator: Edward McKinnon, Boston College
Lloyd Easton, Ohio Wesleyan University
Commentator: John Lavely, Boston University
III. Hegel and the science of organism
December 4, 1970
John Findlay, Yale University
Commentator: George di Giovanni, Marionopolis College
Milic Capek, Boston University
Commentator: Hilde Hein, Holy Cross College
IV. hegel and the methodology of the sciences
December 5, 1970
Errol Harris, Northwestern University
Commentator: Ernan McMullin, University of Notre Dame
Hilary Putnam, Harvard University
Commentator: John Compton, Vanderbilt University
Gerd Buchdahl, Cambridge University
Commentator: Joseph O’Malley, Marquette University
V. Dialectical Logic and its Formalization
December 5, 1970
Yvon Gauthier, Sudbury University
Commentator: Hector C. Sabelli, Chicago Medical School
Michael Kosok, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Commentator: Ivan Soll, University of Wisconsin
VI. Hegel and the human sciences
December 6, 1970
Murray Greene, New School for Social Research
Ruediger Bubner, Heidelberg
Commentators: Sidney Hook, New York University; Alasdair McIntyre, Brandeis University
VII. Plenary Discussion: Hegel and The Sciences
December 6, 1970
Panel includes the following:
Darrel Christiansen, Southern Illinois University
John Findlay, Yale University
George Kline, Bryn Mawn
Marx Wartofsky, Boston University
Functional Organization in Biology
January 26, 1971
William Wilmsatt, University of Chicago
The role of philosophy among the sciences
February 9, 1971
Vladimir V. Mshvenieradze, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Commentators: Henry Aiken, Brandeis Universityy
The enchanted world: the reality of false appearances
February 23, 1971
Miklos Almasi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Commentator: Bernard Elevitch, Boston University
Inductive Reasoning and the Bayesian Approach to Probabilistic Physics
March 2, 1971
O. Costa de Beauregard, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
- Commentator: Armand Siegel, Boston University
Objectivity and the Social Locus of Scientific Knowledge
March 16, 1971
Donald T. Campbell, Northwestern University
Commentator: Milic Capek, Boston University
Scientific Rationality and the Growth of Knowledge: A Series of 5 Lectures
March 22 & 29, 1971; April 5, 12 & 26, 1971
Imre Lakatos, London School of Economics
What Duhem Really Meant
March 30, 1971
Philip Quinn, Brown University
Commentator: Hilary Putnam, Harvard University
Logical Atomism and Deep Structure
April 6, 1971
Paul Lorezen, University of Erlangen, Germany; University of Texas at Austin
Edmund Husserl and the Crisis of Western Science
April 13, 1971
Gian Carlo Rota, M.I.T.
- Commentator: David Carr, Yale University
Science and Critique: Positivist Methodology Vs. Critical Theory in the Social Sciences
April 20, 1971
Albrecht Wellmer, University of Frankfurt, Germany and University of Toronto
Commentator: Robert S. Cohen, Boston University
Scientific Realism, past and Present
April 27, 1971
Marjorie Greene, University of California, Davis
Surface Semantics
May 4, 1971
Jaako Hintikka, University of Helsinki and Stanford University
Commentator: Jerrold J. Katz, M. I. T.