Archives 1977-1978

Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
18th Annual Program

The Nature of Life: Beyond Mechanism and Vitalism

September 27, 1977

  • Mario Bunge, McGill University

    Commentators: Lynn Margulis, Boston University; Stephen J. Gould, Harvard University

Talking with Extraterrestrials: Nominalism, Conceptualism, and Realism as Degrees in Radical Translation

October 4, 1977

  • Justin Leibler, M. I. T.

    Commentator: Michael Martin, Boston University

How to Overcome Marx: A Proposal of a Marxist

October 11, 1977

  • Leszek Nowak, University of Poznan

    Commentator: Thomas McCarthy, Boston University

Notes on a New Problem of Vision

October 25, 1977

  • Nelson Goodman, Harvard University

    Commentator: Marx W. Wartofsky, Boston University


November 8, 1977

  • Richard M. Martin, Northwestern University and Boston University Center for Philosophy and History of Science

    Commentator: Judson Webb, Boston University

Atomic Physics: A Test for Theory Reconstruction

November 15, 1977

  • Edward MacKinnon, California State University at Hayward

    Commentator: Leonard Nash, Harvard University

The Concept of Social Reproduction

November 22, 1977

  • Edward Nell, New School for Social Research

    Commentator: Eric Chester, University of Massachusetts, Boston

The Locus of Power in Science

November 29, 1977

  • Camille Limoges, University of Montreal

    Commentator: Lew Kowarski, CERN, Geneva, and Boston University

Biology of Cognition: Life as a Cognitive Process

December 6, 1977

  • Humberto Maturana, University of Santiago

    Commentator: Jerome Lettvin, M. I. T.

Intelligence, Intelligence Tests, and the Distribution of Knowledge

December 13, 1977

  • Walter Feinberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Commentator: Ned Block, M. I. T.

The Poverty of Empiricism, or, Philosophy Vindicated

January 17, 1978

  • Laurens Lauden, University of Pittburgh

    Commentator: Bruce Aune, University of Massachusetts; Amherst

On Attributing Causes to Complex Individuals

January 24, 1978

  • Benjamin Robers, Wichita State University

  • Commentator: Davis Israel, University of Connecticut, Storrs

Dynamic and Linguistic Modes of Perception: A Cognitive Basis for Complementarity

March 14, 1978

  • Howard Pattee, SUNY at Binghamtom

    Commentator: Paula Menyuk, Boston University

Evidence, Inference, and the Law

March 28, 1978

  • Marsha Hanen, University of Calgary

  • Commentator: Bernard Elevich, Boston University

The Question of Relativism in the Social Sciences

April 4, 1978

  • Daniel Bell, Harvard University

    Commentator: Alasdair MacIntyre, Boston University

The Marxist Concept of Religion: A Scientific and Philosophical Study

April 11, 1978

  • Lev Mitrokhin, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow

    Commentator: Robert S. Cohe, Boston University

The Worlds of Arthur Stanley Eddington: Science and Its Audience

April 25, 1978

  • Loren Graham, Columbia University

    Commentator: Robert S. Cohen, Boston University