Archives: 2011–2012
Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
52nd Annual Program
Download the 52nd Annual Program
- September 23rd, 2011 | Secrecy and Transparency in Science
- October 14th, 2011 | Present at the Creation: The Promise and Peril of the Large Hadron Collider
- November 4th, 2011 | Representation in Science and Art
- December 2nd, 2011 | The Alfred I. Tauber Forum: Human Evolution: Culture, Cognition, and Human Nature
- March 23rd, 2012 | The Robert S. Cohen Forum: 50 Years Since Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- April 27th, 2012 | Are Men and Women Like Different Species? Critical Perspectives on Sex-Difference Research
- May 3rd, 2012 | The Karbank Symposium in Environmental Philosophy: Scientific Assessments and Environmental Policy
- Postponed until Fall 2012 | How Can the History and Philosophy of Science Contribute to Contemporary U.S. Science Education?
Secrecy and Transparency in Science
Friday, September 23, 2011
Barristers Hall, Law School
765 Commonwealth Ave.
Secrets and Lies: Science Versus Market as Arbiter of Truth in Early Recombinant DNA Research
Elizabeth Popp Berman Sociology, State University of New York at Albany
Transparency Revisited: The Climatic Research Unit Emails, Democratic Accountability & Scientific Progress
Wendy Parker Philosophy, Ohio University
The Ontology of Secrets: What Counts as Forbidden Knowledge?
Peter Galison Dept. of the History of Science and Dept. of Physics, Harvard University
Present at the Creation: the Promise and Peril of the Large Hadron Collider
Friday, October 14, 2011
Law School, Room 1420
765 Commonwealth Ave.
Amir Aczel Visiting Researcher, Center for Philosophy and History of Science, Boston University
Representation in Science and Art
Friday, November 4, 2011
2:00–5:00 pm
The Castle
225 Bay State Road
Scientific Representation: Visual Representation, Models, and the Relevance of Depiction
Laura Perini Dept. of Philosophy, Pomona University
The Scientific Image: Discovery and Dissemination
Eric J. Heller Dept. of Physics and Dept. of Chemistry, Harvard University
Representation as Inference in Art and Science
Mauricio Suárez Dept. of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Complutense University of Madrid
Human Evolution: Culture, Cognition, and Human Nature
Friday, December 2, 2011
1:00–5:00 pm
Barristers Hall, Law School
765 Commonwealth Ave.
What is Cultural Fitness?
Grant Ramsey Dept. of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
Darwinism and Cultural Change
Peter Godfrey-Smith Dept. of Philosophy, City University of New York
Biological Evolution in a Technological Species
Russell Powell Dept. of Philosophy, Boston University
Cultural and Morphological Change in Human Prehistory
Matt Cartmill Dept. of Anthropology, Boston University
The Robert S. Cohen Forum: Contemporary Issues in Science Studies
50 years since Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions
(co-sponsored by BU Center for the Humanities)
Friday, March 23, 2012
10:00am–5:30 pm
Photonics Center Colloquium Room (906)
8 St. Mary’s Street
Footnotes to Structure
John Heilbron Dept. of History, University of California, Berkeley
Navigating among the Two Kuhns
David Kaiser Program in Science, Technology, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
On Kuhn’s Development Before and After Structure
Paul Hoyningen-Huene Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University, Hannover
Kuhn’s Social Epistemology and the Sociology of Science
K. Brad Wray Dept. of Philosophy, State University of New York, Oswego
‘Living in a New World’: Kuhn, Constructivism, and Mind-Dependence
Michela Massimi Dept. of Science and Technology Studies, University College, London
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and the Naturalistic Study of Science
Alexander Bird Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bristol
Are Men and Women Like Different Species? Critical Perspectives on Sex-Difference Research
Friday, April 27, 2012
Barristers Hall, Law School
765 Commonwealth Ave.
The Politics of Sex-Based Biology: Categories, Standards, and the Logics of Inclusion and Difference
Steven Epstein Dept. of Sociology, Northwestern University
How Social Meanings Drive Scientific Investigation (and Vice Versa)
Helen Longino Dept. of Philosophy, Stanford University
Conceptualizing Sex-Differences in the Human Genome
Sarah Richardson Dept. of the History of Science and Studies, of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Harvard University
Trading Essence for Potential: Feminist Moves Against the Homonculus in the Hormones
Rebecca Jordan-Young Dept. of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Barnard College
Gender Identity in Children: Formulating a Dynamic, Developmental Model
Anne Fausto-Sterling Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University
The Karbank Symposium in Environmental Philosophy
Scientific Assessments and Environmental Policy
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Photonics Center Colloquium Room (906)
8 St. Mary’s Street
The Timescale of Climate Change: Challenges and Responsibilities
Daniel Schrag Depts. of Geology and Environmental Science & Engineering, Harvard University
The Role of Value Judgments in Policy-Relevant Environmental Science
Kevin Elliott Dept. of Philosophy, University of South Carolina
Science and Environmental Policy: How do Scientists Assess Scientific Knowledge for Action
Naomi Oreskes Dept. of History, University of California, San Diego
How Can the History and Philosophy of Science Contribute to U.S. Science Education?
This event has been postponted until Fall 2012
This colloquium, co-hosted by the School of Education, will bring together historians, scientists, philosophers, and science educators to explore different ways to integrate HPS content into the science classroom curriculum. It will be followed on Saturday and Sunday by an interdisciplinary workshop for invited participants actively working in this area. Details TBA.