Category: Fall 2016

Hospitality Branding in the Age of the Millennial

By Allen Adamson and Chekitan S. Dev The Exponential Growth in Both Hospitality Brands and the Millennial Audience Requires an Exponential Shift in Brand Portfolio Strategy The past decade has seen exponential growth in hospitality brands making for an often confounding proliferation of options for travelers. According to Smith Travel Research, from hard to soft, […]

An Insider’s Look at the 2016 Philadelphia Democratic National Convention: Hospitality and Inclusion at Work

By Erinn Tucker, Leora Lanz, & Juan Lesmes There is a saying in events management, “If the event goes well, the client is congratulated. If the event goes wrong, blame the event planner.” This saying holds true when cities bid, plan and execute a spotlight event, such as the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC). The […]