Category: Technology

Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Marketing Efforts

By Kairbay Tumanov, MMH’21 and Anh Pham, ESSEC, IMHI’22 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has, over the last decade, rapidly evolved in relevance and utilization in hospitality digital marketing. How has it been used, and is our industry optimally capitalizing on the functionality?  Defined as “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally […]

It’s 2020 and Restaurant Strategy Has Just Been Changed Forever: Convenience Seekers vs. Experience Seekers

By Christopher Muller The restaurant industry is undergoing a tectonic shift as 2020 begins. Traditional segmentation is evolving from the supply side of Full Service vs. Quick Service providers to the demand side of Experience Seeking vs. Convenience Seeking consumers. Restaurant executives and the companies they lead will need to pick one path or the […]

How Can Single-Unit Restaurants Strive for Powerful Online Presence?

By Leora Lanz and Jenna Berry With the age of technology in full swing and the use of social media at an all-time high, digital marketing is not only recommended, but also necessary. The following list of recommendations will ensure that an independent restaurant’s online marketing presence will survive and thrive in the competitive nature […]

My Head in the Clouds (computing): A Case Study of a Restaurant Group Embracing Off-Site Technology

By Tyler Titherington I am a restaurateur.  I’m behind schedule.  Again.  Not because I am disorganized or have too much to do, more so because I have a hierarchy of tasks that are addressed based on priority.  Guest needs are my first priority, staff needs are a close second and everything else last.  There is […]

Airbnb and the Hotel Industry: The Past, Present, and Future of Sales, Marketing, Branding, and Revenue Management

By Makarand Mody and Monica Gomez For a long time, the hotel industry did not consider Airbnb a threat. Both the industry and Airbnb claimed they were serving different markets and had different underlying business models. Over the years, as Airbnb become more successful and grown to being larger than the companies in the hotel […]

Blockchain Technology & its Implications for the Hospitality Industry

By Tarik Dogru, Makarand Mody, & Christie Leonardi “A world with little or no intermediaries where there is no need to build trust between people and transactions are completed in seconds. This is the promise of the Blockchain Technology.” -Tarik Dogru Blockchain technology and its economic, social, and technological implications, mainly in the form of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, […]

Hotel Brand Websites, OTA’s, Meta Search and Wholesalers: A Distribution Dilemma Within The Industry

By Nick Cohen The year is 2001, and the world is still recovering from the tragedy of September 11th.  The travel industry is in a downward spiral as fears of flying and terrorism ripple across the United States and beyond, and hotels have lost significant occupancy due to a decrease in demand. Simultaneously, a fledgling […]