Letter from the Dean – April 2021 Real Estate Issue

Letter from the Dean of BU School of Hospitality Administration

By: Arun Upneja, Ph.D.

Greetings from the School of Hospitality Administration at Boston University and welcome to our Real Estate Issue of Boston Hospitality Review (BHR). At the time of this writing after an existentially “long cold lonely winter,” to quote the Beatles, “the smiles are returning to the faces” (even if masked) as vaccinations increase worldwide. As optimism reemerges, we continue to think bigger and make things brighter by expanding BHR from a quarterly to a monthly journal. This growth reflects our persistent and passionate belief that the world needs more hospitality. We at BU SHA are here to lead this charge.

Over the last few years, we have had an overwhelmingly positive response to the enhancements that we have made in creating content of impact and importance. This year is no exception. It is our remarkable faculty and industry professionals who have pushed us to create a journal that fulfills the increasing and important need for a scholarly outlet that does not require a doctorate to read and understand. BHR strives to fill that niche, and we are committed to bringing you articles that are written for and by both practitioners and academic scholars. 

BHR provides perspectives and subject matter expertise that can be applied to the hospitality world we live in today and the even better one we are building for the future. In that spirit, BU SHA proudly announces the addition of three new concentrations in the areas of Real Estate, Senior Living, and Restaurant Management & Experiences that further accentuate the school’s imprint.

Along with this exciting news, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, the editor of this issue, Kaushik Vardharajan, who recently joined our faculty as Director of the Real Estate Program. He brings in-depth knowledge and almost two decades of hotel consulting and development experience across North America, Europe, and Asia. 

I extend my sincere gratitude to all the writers and contributors who have stepped up to take on the editorship of the special BHR issues coming your way this coming year as BU SHA celebrates its 40th anniversary. 

And to you, our readers, enjoy this new beginning and be sure to return for our upcoming issues that will surely inspire, engage, and have you coming back for more! 

We hope that you will find that things are looking up, and at long last, “here comes the sun…”


Arun Upneja, Ph.D.,
Dean of Boston University School of Hospitality Administration


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