Harold Cox Day Sock Drive.

  • All Day on Monday, March 25, 2019
We are celebrating Harold Cox Day (April 12th) by hosting a Sock Drive and raising awareness about the Boston Public Health Commission Engagement Center. The engagement center is a welcoming environment for individuals in need of a space to spend time during the day. In addition to providing a shaded, air-conditioned indoor space off the streets and sidewalks, the engagement center also serves as a space for participants to get connected to the many housing and recovery services offered by the City of Boston and partners in the Newmarket Square area. Please donate new, unopened packages of socks in the Talbot Lobby or via our Amazon Registry (http://a.co/bo6UyWA) between March 25 and April 12. Our goal is to collect 2,500 pairs of socks!
Talbot Lobby
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Activist Lab
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