
Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science
32nd Annual Program

Main Events directory, single talk events not included in anchor list. Full details below.


Quantum Mechanics and Gravity

September 4, 1991
Room 325, Metcalf Science Center
590 Commonwealth Ave

  • Roger Penrose, Oxford University

    Chairman: E. C. Booth

  • The Benson Chertok Memorial Lecture
    (In association with the Department of Physics)

What is Analytic Philosophy? An Inaugural Lecture

September 24, 1991
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union
775 Commonwealth Ave

  • Burton Dreben, Boston University

    Chairman: Robert S. Cohen, Boston University

A Theory of Languages and Information: The Work of Zellig Harris

October 8, 1991
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave.

  • Thomas Ryckman, Northwestern University

    Introduction: Hilary Putnam, Harvard University

  • Commentator: Michael Gottfried, Washington University
  • Chairman: Paul Mattick, JR.

There are no Anti-Realists in the Laboratory

October 15, 1991
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave.

  • Allan Franklin, University of Colorado and CalTech

    Commentator: Robert Ackermann, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  • Chairman: Silvan S. Schweber,

In Memory of Rudolf Carnap A Centenary Symposium

October 22, 1991
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave

Morning Session, 9am-12pm

  • Epistemology in the Aufbau

    Michael Friedman, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle

  • Carnap’s Construction of the World from Recollection

    Judson Webb, Boston University

  • Chairman: Sahotra Sarkar

Afternoon Session, 1:30pm-3:30pm

  • Logic in Carnap’s Logical Syntax of Language

    Sahotra Sarkar, Boston University

  • Carnap’s Conventionalism

    Richard Creath, Arizona State University

  • Chairman: Ghita Holstrom-Hintikka

Afternoon Session, 4pm-6pm

  • On Carnap

    Burton Dreben, Boston University

  • Carnap and Mathematical Truth

    Jaakko Hintikka, Boston University

  • Chairman: Steven Gerrard

Evening Session, 7:45pm-9:30pm

  • Reflections of a Metaphysical Student

    Abner Shimony, Boston University

  • Was Carnap Entirely Wrong, After All?

    Howard Stein, University of Chicago

  • Chairman: Robert S. Cohen

Reflections on the Development of the Conceptual Foundations of Biology

November 5, 1991
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave

  • Ernst Mayr, Harvard University

    Commentator: Lynn Margulis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  • Chairman: Everett Mendelsohn,

On Frege’s Introduction of Logical Objects

November 12, 1991
Terrace Lounge, George Sherman Union
775 Commonwealth Ave

  • Matthias Schirn, University of Munich

    Commentator: George Boolos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Chairman: Akihiro Kanamori,

Of Exact and Inexact Essences in Modern Physical Science

November 19, 1991
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave

  • Pierre Kerszberg, Pennsylvania State University

    Commentator: Jürgen Renn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Chairman: John Stachel, Boston University

Cosmic Simplicity: Its Origins and Limits

December 3, 1991
Room B12, College of Liberal Arts
725 Commonwealth Ave

  • Philip Morrison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Chairman: Kenneth Brecher

New Studies in Aristotle’s Philosophical Development A Symposium on Logic, Science, Metaphysics and Practical Philosophy

January 18-20, 1992
Law School Auditorium
765 Commonwealth Ave

  • Does Aristotle’s Conception of Dialectic Develop?

    Michael Friedman, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle

  • The Consistency of Aristotle’s Thoughts on Substance

    Klaus Brinkmann, Boston University

  • Cosmology and Mathematics in Aristotle’s Development

    John Cleary, Boston College

  • Focal Meaning and the Development of Aristotle’s Ethical Treatises

    Alan Code, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

  • Aristotle’s Theory of Forms

    Russell Dancy, Florida State University

  • The Poetics in Relation to Aristotle’s Ethical Treatises

    Cynthia Freeland, University of Houston

  • The Metaphysics of Motion

    Daniel Graham, Brigham Young University

  • Aristotle’s Methodology as a Clue to His Development

    Jaakko Hintikka, Boston University

  • Aristotle’s Biological Development: The Balme Thesis

    James Lennox, University of Pittsburgh

  • Aristotle on the Unity of Substance

    Frank Lewis, University of Southern California

  • Aristotle’s Epistemology: One or Many Theories?

    Deborah Modrak, University of Rochester

  • On the “Platonic” Part of Aristotle’s Politics

    Pierre Pellegrin, C.N.R.S. Paris

  • Some Philosophical Reflections on Studying Aristotle’s Development

    John M. Rist, University of Cambridge and University of Toronto

  • Apodeixis Haplos: Demonstrative Practices and Aristotle’s Development

    William Wians, Boston University

  • Motivations for Developmental Interpretations of Aristotle

    Charlotte Witt, University of New Hampshire

  • Chairman: William Wians

On the Origins of Modern Psychiatry

January 28, 1992
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave

  • Mario Galzigna, University of Venice

  • Chairman: Dennis Costa,

How To Be An Experimental Philosopher

February 11, 1992
Terrace Lounge, GSU

  • Rose-Mary Sargent, Merrimack College

    Commentator: Abner Shimony, Boston University

  • Chairman: Everett Mendelsohn,

Niels Bohr: The Philosopher As Working Scientist

February 18, 1992
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave

  • Ulrich Rosenberg, Institute of Philosophy, Berlin

  • Chairman: Robert S. Cohen, Boston University

In Memory of Morris Weitz A Symposium

February 25, 1992
Terrace Lounge
George Sherman Union

  • On Textual Interpretation: Plato and Maimonides

    Marvin Fox, Brandeis University

  • The Immanence Doctrine of Time: Morris Weitz, T.S. Eliot and Scotus Erigena

    Theodore Euhling, University of Minnesota

  • On the History of Concepts

    Marx Wartofsky, Baruch College, CUNY

  • Open of Closed Concepts? Weitz on Tragedy and Morality

    Nelson Lande, University of Massachusetts, Boston

  • Guest of Honor: Margaret Collins Weitz, Suffolk University

  • Chairman: Aryeh L. Motzkin, 

Natural Kinds

March 3, 1992
Terrace Lounge
George Sherman Union

  • Sylvain Bromberger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Chairman: Steven Gerrard,

Adam Smith on the Rhetoric of the Sciences An Inaugural Lecture

March 17, 1992
Terrace Lounge
George Sherman Union

  • Charles Griswold, Boston University

  • Chairman: Dennis D. Berkey,

The Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences: Fallacies, Metaphors, and Transfers

March 24, 1992
Terrace Lounge
George Sherman Union

  • I. Bernard Cohen, Harvard University

  • Commentator: Peter Buck, Harvard University
  • Chairman: Thomas Glick

Academic Colleagueship and Teaching

March 25, 1992
School of Education, Room 130
605 Commonwealth Ave

    • David Riesman, Harvard University

    • Commentator: Robert S. Cohen, Boston University

[In Association with the Institute for Philosophy and Religion]

British Physicists Confront Relativity: Lamor and Lodge

March 31, 1992
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave.

  • Jose M. Sanchez-Ron, Autonomous University of Madrid

  • Commentator: John Stachel, Boston University
  • Chairman: Silvan S. Schweber,

The Development of the Foundations of Mathematics A Symposium

April 5-7, 1992
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave.

  • T.B.A.

    George Boolos, 

  • On Skolem and Weyl

    William Boos, 

  • On Frege’s Foundations

    Burton Dreben, 

  • Between Kronecker and Cantor

    Harold Edwards, 

  • The Evolution of Continuity

    Philip Ehrlich, 

  • Godel and Husserl

    Dagfinn Follesdal, 

  • Husserl and Hilbert on Completeness

    Claire Hill, 

  • The Standard-Nonstandard Distinction as a Watershed in the Foundation of Mathematics

    Jaakko Hintikka, 

  • From Lebesgue to Godel: The Emergence of Descriptive Set Theory

    Akihiro Kanamori, 

  • On Dedekinds’s Free Creation

    David McCarty, 

  • On Hausdorff’s Contribution to Finite Set Theory

    Gregory Moore, 

  • On Borel

    Jan Von Plato, 

  • History of Logical Number Theory

    Craig Smorynskis, 

  • Effects of Model-Theoretic Thinking: From Beltrami to Hilbert

    Judson Webb, 

  • On Tarski and the Polish Context

    Jan Wolenski, 

  • Co-chairmen Jaakko Hintikka and Robert S. Cohen

Marxism and the Natural Sciences: Critical Reflections A Symposium

April 21, 1992
Room 525, School of Theology
745 Commonwealth Ave.

  • Modes of Production and Modes of Sciences

    Robert S. Cohen, 

  • The Legacy of Marxist Epistemology Today

    Sandra Harding, 

  • Objectivity and the Social Construction of Science

    Sheldon Krimsky, 

  • Engels’ Dialectics of Nature in the Context of Contemporary History of Science

    Wolfgang Lefevre, 

  • Praxis in Science

    Joseph Margolis, 

  • The Political Economy of Cancer Research

    Robert Proctor, 

  • What Einstein Could Have Learned from Engels

    Jurgen Renn, 

  • Engels, Haldane and the Dialectics of Living Matter

    Sahotra Sarkar, 

  • Science and Capitalism

    John Stachel, 

  • Honorary Chairman: Dirk J. Struik 

Wittgenstein on Mathematics

April 28, 1992
Terrace Lounge
George Sherman Union

  • Juliet Floyd, City College, CUNY

    Commentator: Paul Horwich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Chairman: Burton Dreben