PHX Summer Program to Offer Taste of Public Health to Younger Students.
From climate change to gun violence, obesity to mental health, many current public health issues will have long-term implications for the health of today’s children. In response, Population Health Exchange will launch an interactive enrichment program this summer to introduce public health topics to rising 7th- to 10th-grade students.
The weeklong PopHealthExperience program will be offered twice, from June 24 to 28 and July 8 to July 12.
School of Public Health faculty and graduate students will introduce students to the foundations of public health, before guiding them throughout the week on interactive research activities and basic statistical programming with a focus on biostatistics, epidemiology, and environmental health. Kevin Lane, assistant professor of environmental health, will lead them on a neighborhood walking tour of the South End, where they will collect data on issues such as noise or air pollution.
The students will also have an opportunity to tour the NEIDL (National Emerging and Infectious Disease Laboratory) building and participate in experiential learning activities, such as disease detective cases.
“We wanted to provide fun and engaging activities to this age group because they may not have had any introduction to public health before,” says Leslie Tellalian, director of lifelong learning. “They will learn skills like analyzing data and problem solving, but they will also gain a better understanding of public health issues that can impact them or their families directly.”
In addition to public health foundational knowledge, students will gain leadership skills and teamwork as they identify a public health challenge of their choice and present a solution to that problem at the end of the program.
For more information or to register a student, go to the registration page.
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