Summer 2018 Water Squad.
Three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) from June through September, teams of BUSPH students, staff, and faculty can volunteer to distribute cases of water to those who spend their time on the corner of Albany Street and Massachusetts Avenue. It takes about 30 minutes and can make all the difference in the world to our neighbors. Sign up just once or come back as often as your schedule allows.
Where: Meet at the Activist Lab (Talbot E231) to pick up supplies before heading out to Boston Healthcare for the Homeless (780 Albany Street)
When: 3-3:30 pm every Monday, Wednesday, Friday from June 5 – September 29
RSVP: Please sign up for the specific dates you are available
We know that people challenged with addiction, mental health concerns, and homelessness have a great need for programs and activities that will provide long-term solutions for their problems. We also know that they should be treated with dignity and respect as human beings with basic needs and concerns. As we work with partners to find ways to improve their situations and their health, we choose to provide this small service all summer.
You and other members of the BUSPH community will have the opportunity to talk with and listen to people you usually walk by while going from one building to another. Debriefs held with volunteers at the end of last summer revealed that the experience had a profound effect on many, making their commitment to public health even stronger and more personal.
Check out the recap from last summer.
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