Najam Speaks at UNGA/IIASA Event on Systems Analysis
Adil Najam spoke at the launch of IIASA’s 50th Anniversary Flagship Report at a United Nations General Assembly event, calling for boldness in policy.
Najam named De Jánosi Visiting Fellow at IIASA
Adil Najam has been named as the Peter De Jánosi Visiting Fellow for 2023 at the Austria-based International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). He becomes the first to hold the new visiting fellowship created by Friends of IIASA (FoI).
Najam Speaks at International Institute of Systems Analysis Conference
Professor Najam argued that in a highly turbulent and quickly changing world, the need for good system analysis is greater than ever before but also that what is needed from Systems Analysis has changed; systems science scholars to be ‘more restless, more irreverent, and more bold.’
Pardee School Hosts IIASA 50th Anniversary Conference
The all-day conference brought together leading global intellectuals and practitioners to look back on 50 years of work at IIASA and discuss today’s most pressing global issues.
Najam Keynotes VIDC/IIASA Event on Climate and Displacement
Dean Najam expressed disappointment with COP26 and climate activists whose increased interest and awareness of the climate crises have not translated to actionable change, noting that aspiration is not a replacement for action, and neither is anger.
Najam Interviewed by IIASA on Living in the Age of Adaptation
Dean Adil Najam discusses his experience as a Young Scientists Summer Program Fellow at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
Najam Keynotes at IIASA Anniversary in Vienna
Pardee School Dean Adil Najam was invited to give a keynote address at the 40th Anniversary of the YSSP program at IIASA in Vienna.