The Role of Eco-Villages in Tanzania
In another installment of the Spring 2024 Walter Rodney Seminar series, the African Studies Center hosted Dr. Christopher Graham, Research Affiliate at the Boston University African Studies Center, on March 25 to lead his presentation, titled “Eco-Villages Revisited: the Role of the Media, Political Ideology, and Public Opinion in Regreening Africa.” In a far-reaching…
Insights from Portuguese Africa
The African Studies Center hosted Simmons University Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations Abel Djassi Amado March 18 for another in the Center’s Walter Rodney seminar series. Professor Amado, a BU PhD in Political Science and African Studies, spoke on “Anticolonial Nationalism in ‘Portuguese’ Africa and the Language Question.,” Professor Amado focused on…
Mondesire Presents Walter Rodney Lecture on South Sudan and East African Cultural Politics
Professor Mondesire discussed the accession of South Sudan into the East African Community, issues that have cropped up amidst South Sudan’s membership, the challenges of a burgeoning state undertaking global citizenship, and the process of broader regional cooperation within the EAC.
ASC Commences Spring 2023 Walter Rodney Seminar Series
In the premier Rodney seminar, Chao Tayiana Maina presented her ongoing research and projects, including the Museum of British Colonialism and Open Restitution Africa (ORA), which aim to reverse the historical erasure and erosion from colonial enterprises and how the digital transfer of history helps to preserve it.
ASC Launches Fall 2021 Walter Rodney Seminar Series
During the premier lecture, Mai Hassan, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan and an award-winning scholar of authoritarian and hybrid regimes in Africa, presented her new research on the Sudanese popular uprising of 2018-19.
ASC Launches 2021 Walter Rodney Lecture Series
The Walter Rodney lecture series kicked off its 44th year with a webinar exploring “Youth, Pop Culture and Terror Warfare in Sierra Leone.”
ASC Announces Spring 2018 Rodney Seminar Schedule
The Walter Rodney Seminar lecture series is held every Monday from 12:15 pm to 2:00 pm at the African Studies Center.