Kilachand Co-Curricular Event Policies
Kilachand co-curricular events invite our community to engage with experts in diverse fields, explore important sites in Boston, and learn from faculty and peers outside of the classroom.
Kilachand shares a unique co-curricular event schedule at the start of each fall and spring term. Between 6 and 10 events are offered each term and are scheduled with as much variety as feasible with respect to day and time. Students will receive the co-curricular schedule via email (PDF flyer) and may find regular reminders via the Kilachand Weekly newsletter, web calendar, Google calendar, social media, and graphics in Kilachand Hall. Some events, especially guest residencies, may require advance registration; be sure to read event details thoroughly.
KHC students are required to attend two Kilachand co-curricular events per term as noted in the Kilachand Program Requirements. The co-curricular requirement applies to all Kilachand students who are on campus and enrolled in BU courses. Even when a student is not enrolled in a Kilachand course for a term, they must still meet the co-curricular requirement during that term. The requirement is waived for any term in which a student is on a documented study abroad program. If a student has another documented term commitment (such as a full-time internship or practicum) that conflicts with all scheduled events, they should reach out to their Kilachand Advisor as soon as they are aware of the conflict.
Students are expected to attend the entire length of an event and record their attendance by scanning a QR code shared at the end. Within a week following an event, all students who successfully checked-in will receive an email confirming that their attendance was noted. Students should keep confirmation emails for their records.
Students are responsible for ensuring their successful check-in. Should a student have a technical issue with the QR code or a personal device, they must email their Kilachand Advisor within two business days of the event to report the issue and have their participation recorded. For example, for Friday events, students have until the following Tuesday to share any check-in issues.
Campus or class activities not advertised as Kilachand co-curricular events will not be counted as substitutes for the Kilachand co-curricular requirement.
Students who review the Kilachand co-curricular schedule at the start of a term and anticipate challenges attending two events should contact their Kilachand Advisor as soon as possible at the start of the term.