Kilachand Co-Curricular Events & Residencies
During their time at Kilachand, students engage in various co-curricular events that provide them with the opportunity to interact with committed, stimulating, and accomplished scholars, artists, and professionals. Co-curricular events engage students in the broader implications of the Kilachand curriculum and academic community and provide insight into the backstory of scientific, artistic, technological, and political activities.
Co-curricular Events: Kilachand Co-curricular events bring guests to Kilachand for presentations or conversations or invite Kilachand students to visit leading local cultural institutions, typically with private tours and talks.
Co-curricular Residencies: Kilachand hosts one Co-curricular residency each semester. Guests spend a number of days at Boston University for a public lecture in addition to small events exclusive to Kilachand students such as talks, class visits, workshops, and more.
Past Kilachand Co-curricular guests include:
Piper Kerman is the author of the memoir Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison which was adapted into an Emmy Award-winning original series for Netflix. Kerman is an advocate for prison reform and a graduate of Smith College. She visited Kilachand for a conversation with legal and humanities scholars.
Saladin K. Patterson is an Executive Producer of the FX comedy series DAVE and completed three seasons as Co-Executive Producer of CBS’s The Big Bang Theory. Patterson is an MIT alum with a degree in Electrical Engineering and joined students for the talk “Zigzagging in a Straight Line: My Journey from MIT to Hollywood” and an interview titled, “The Courage and Pace of Change”
Joy Hay is a contemporary British American portrait painter. The overarching theme of her recent portraits is the acknowledgment of human courage. Hay joined us to share her series Persisters, an ongoing series of large-scale paintings representing trailblazing women in their pursuit of justice.
Hakeem Oluseyi is an astrophysicist, cosmologist, inventor, educator, science communicator, author, actor, and humanitarian. He is currently a professor of Physics & Space Science stationed at NASA. Oluseyi joined students for a breakfast Q&A session and a number of talks and conversations, focusing particularly on diversity in STEM fields and the benefits of a multidisciplinary education.
Werner Herzog is an internationally acclaimed writer, director, and filmmaker whose career spans more than half a century. Hertzog joined students for a breakfast, a screening of Herbert Golder’s Ballad of a Righteous Merchant and lecture titled “Every Man for Himself and God Against All”
Min Jin Lee is a Korean American author and a recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study. Lee visited Kilachand for a book signing and talk about her NYT best-selling novel Pachinko, which was a finalist for the National Book Award for Fiction.
Shamell Bell is an original organizing member of the #blacklivesmatter movement. She is also a mother, community organizer, dancer & choreographer and received a PhD in Culture and Performance at UCLA. Bell joined students for talks, workshops, and class visits during her Kilachand residency.
Zadie Smith is a novelist, essayist, short-story writer, and professor of fiction at New York University. She is the renowned author of White Teeth, On Beauty, and Swing Time, among other works. Smith visited Kilachand for talk entitled “On Writing” and a Q&A breakfast with students.
Co-curricular events are exclusively for Kilachand students and are not typically open to the public. However, please visit our calendar for a sense of current and upcoming Kilachand Co-curricular events.