Frequently Asked Questions
How many students are in Kilachand Honors College?
We welcome approximately 140 to 160 students to our community each fall.
How many people will be in my Kilachand classes?
Kilachand courses range in format from small seminars and one-on-one workshops to cohort-based lectures and team breakout sessions. All Kilachand first-year seminars and Writing Studios enroll 15 or fewer students.
Is Kilachand my major?
Kilachand is not a degree-granting college at Boston University and is not a major program. Kilachand students enroll in a variety of majors across Boston University’s many degree granting schools and colleges while simultaneously tackling challenging contemporary issues through Kilachand’s multidisciplinary curriculum.
Can I use AP credit to fulfill Kilachand coursework?
The Kilachand curriculum is a residential curriculum, which means that our courses are unique to Kilachand and Boston University. As such,
AP and IB coursework do not equate to curricular offerings at Kilachand. However, Kilachand students may use these credits to fulfill BU Hub units, major requirements, electives, and as credits toward graduation.
Do Kilachand courses count toward the requirements for my major?
Kilachand courses typically do not fulfill major requirements for most students. Instead,
Kilachand is a BU Hub pathway. Kilachand courses are taken alongside students’ major coursework, which together comprise a majority of each student’s unique pathway through the BU Hub, Boston University’s general education program.
Is it OK to be undeclared if I am in Kilachand Honors College?
Absolutely! We encourage students to explore during their time at Boston University.
Kilachand Academic Advisors help students identify their strengths, goals, and interests to craft challenging and fulfilling academic experiences.
Where will I live?
First-year Kilachand students live together on dedicated floors of
Kilachand Hall where their shared residential and intellectual experiences are the foundation for Kilachand’s living-learning community. Many upperclassmen choose to stay in Kilachand Hall or move to the Kilachand House, a specialty brownstone on Bay State Road.
*Kilachand Hall is being renovated beginning in May 2022 and is scheduled to be completed in August 2023. Please review the Kilachand Hall Renovation page for more information about our exciting renovation plans.
What is the Keystone Project?
Under the guidance of a project advisor, Kilachand students engage in intellectual discovery through a substantial scholarly, experimental, or creative work in the senior year.
The Keystone Project is flexible and gives Kilachand students the opportunity to pursue research or creative work through their major departments, home schools and colleges, or Kilachand. There are various defined pathways through which Kilachand students can complete the Keystone Project.
Can I Study Abroad?
We hope you do! The Kilachand curriculum is flexible in the second and third years, which is when students typically participate in Study Abroad programs. Kilachand students may also engage in off-campus experiences offered by various departments in the fourth year, such as the Los Angeles Internship Program for Film & TV majors.
Is it possible to complete a double major or a Dual Degree in addition to Kilachand?
Because Kilachand is a BU Hub pathway, enrollment in Kilachand should not impact one’s ability to pursue a double major or the Dual Degree Program when students choose compatible programs. You can learn more about the unique benefits and challenges of the
Dual Degree Program here.
Will I have time to participate in extracurricular activities while in Kilachand?
Kilachand students are active and engaged participants in various activities and programs at the University and throughout the city, from community service to student organizations, student employment to lab research, and varsity athletics.