Dr. Roberta White, Associate Dean of Research and Chair of our Department of Environmental Health, has informed me that she will step down from her Associate Dean of Research role as soon as a suitable successor is identified. Dr. White has served in the role of Associate Dean of Research since 2008 with distinction. She has been a mentor to many faculty members and implemented a pilot program in the school that supports faculty when they wish to move in new research directions. She has also been a tireless advocate for the importance of research and scholarship in population health science. In recent years Dr. White has also shepherded our research education portfolio. We are all in her debt for six outstanding years of service in her role.

I am delighted that she will be continuing on as Chair of Environmental Health, remaining a part of the school’s leadership team, and very much look forward to continuing to work with her in that role. I will announce plans for a search process to identify Dr. White’s successor as Associate Dean for Research shortly. Meanwhile, please join me in thanking Dr. White for her service to our community. We shall also have a formal occasion to toast to Dr. White’s achievements in the role over the next few months.

Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH
Dean, Professor

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