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There are 4 comments on The Election and “the Other”

  1. Thank you for writing this important message. We are indeed a nation of immigrants who need to be embracing and kind hearted to each other especially in these trying times.

  2. As an SPH graduate I look immediately to the website to find out when comments you would say–and am so touched by your words and sorry for what has been said about immigrants. As the child of a Turkish (and Muslim) immigrant, I am so sorry for this campaign and the outcome of this election. I look forward to reading more of your comments and reflections, and having the opportunity to stay engaged in the conversation of how public health can work to solve the issues now facing our country.

  3. I am a PhD applicant from China for the fall 2017. For the President Election of U.S., we in China paid attention too. Thanks for letting us know more about the immigrants issue and your great comments about it. I totally agree with your opinion and think our world will be better, although there are some difficulties. Our work in Public Health will serve for the parity and inclusivess for the world. I am impressed by your note!

  4. As horrified as most of us may be about this election, let us not fall into the trap of ‘othering’ Trump supporters. In my community, I know many Trump supporters who did not vote for Trump because of animosity towards immigrants (or women, or people of color, or Muslims) but because they are furious with a political and economic system that they perceive to be stacked against them. Although I did not come to the same conclusion as them that voting for Trump would improve their circumstances (far from it), I share many of their grievances. I can only hope that by the next election cycle, these voters will have learned that Trump’s many promises are completely hollow.

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