Global Mission in the Age of World Christianity

In May 2023, Yonsei University and the Saemoonan Church combined to host Dana Robert as she gave the special Underwood Lectures on Global Mission in the Age of World Christianity. The lectures included, “Frontiers, or ‘to the Ends of the Earth'”, “Friendship in the Kingdom,” and “Fellowship: Living ‘As If.'” Reporting on the lecture on […]

Russian Methodism

During the early twentieth century until the Japanese invasion of 1931, Harbin, Manchuria, was a crossroads for migrants, including Koreans, mixed-race North Asian populations, and Russians fleeing the Russian Revolution. In that challenging context, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, opened missions to the different refugee populations in Harbin. In 1927 the mission to Russian refugees […]

CGCM Publication: Creative Collaborations

The Center for Global Christianity and Mission spearheaded a major initiative to research missional collaborations in North America. In addition to a report presented to the World Council of Churches, some of the findings were put into a new volume, Creative Collaborations: Case Studies of North American Missional Practices. The case studies in this book, […]

WCC Publishes Missional Collaborations 2021: A Report from North America 

The Center for Global Christianity and Mission at the Boston University School of Theology guided a year-long study on missional collaboration in North America to mark the Centenary of the International Missionary Council. The North American study was one of sixteen regional studies, most of which have been compiled together in one published volume for the 2022 General […]

Livestream of Dana Robert’s Inaugural Gerald H. Anderson Lecture – June 9, 2022

To mark OMSC’s Centenary Celebration today, Dr. Dana Robert will deliver the Inaugural Gerald H. Anderson Lecture at 5:00 pm in the Theron Room of the Theodore Sedgwick Wright Library of Princeton Theological Seminary. Her title is “DR. GERALD H. ANDERSON, MAESTRO OF CONTEMPORARY MISSION STUDIES.” Her lecture will be live-streamed on YouTube: Dr. Dana Robert […]

2022 GEMN Mission Conference on Women in Mission

Registration is now open for the “Women in Mission” conference sponsored by the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) online, May 12-14.  Conference information is here, and the registration portal is here.  Spanish interpretation will be available for all plenaries and for some of the workshops. Four plenary speakers will highlight the work of women in mission: The […]