Category: Business Travel

Travel Will Not Unravel: Looking At and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis

By: Kaushik Vardharajan While the world, and the travel industry, has dealt with and survived a number of major crises such as the 9/11 attacks in the US and an unfortunate number of terrorist attacks in numerous other countries, the global financial crisis, and SARS, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has ravaged people, societies, companies, […]

Airports Hotels: Laying the Foundation for a Synergistic Relationship

By Allison Fogarty Hotels have always been located near transportation hubs. Centuries ago, travelers sought accommodation and refreshment in inns strategically located along the road network to provide a place for man and beast to recharge and refresh. As carriages and stagecoaches gave way to railroads, and sail yielded to steam, hostelries sprang up around […]

Re-imagining The Hotel Guestroom for The Millennial Business Traveler

  By Alexis Oliver By now we’ve all heard the forecast: the Millennial Generation is set to take the country’s business travel industry by storm. By 2020, Millennials will make up 50% of U.S. business travelers, and will carry $1.3 trillion to $1.7 trillion in total spending power, according to Jeff Fromm, a marketing specialist […]

Hospitality, Tourism, and Politics

The impact of politics upon the hospitality and tourism sector is dramatic. Almost unlimited are the ways in which governments influence the delivery of hospitality and tourism products, whether through regulation of commerce, business and real estate development initiatives, cultural and historic preservation strategies, and taxation policies. Governments may also be involved in spending public […]