WR 15x

Although we are often encouraged to write what we know, the best research writing is motivated by our interest in the unknown: What do we want to discover, how can we discover it, and what are the most effective ways to communicate our discoveries? These questions will drive our work in all classes at the WR 15x level. Building on WR 120 or its equivalent, this class will help you cultivate your writing and research skills through a range of assignments, including a scholarly research essay in which you will be responsible for identifying and refining a topic, devising research questions, and answering those questions by finding and using a range of scholarly and non-scholarly sources.

New to teaching WR 15x? Start here.

All WR 15x classes carry Hub units in (1) Writing, Research, & Inquiry and (2) Research & Information Literacy.

  • WR 151 offers a third Hub unit in Oral/Signed Communication.
  • WR 152 offers a third Hub unit in Digital/Multimedia Expression.
  • WR 153 offers a third Hub unit in Creativity/Innovation.

The following learning outcomes, pedagogical approach, and resources are common to all courses at the WR 15x level; refer to each individual page (linked above) for specific resources and guides to teaching the individual courses.

Previous level:WR 120 First-Year Writing Seminar