Hefner Speaks on Indonesian Democracy and Islamic Ethics
Robert Hefner delivered keynotes on Indonesian democracy and Islamic ethics at the Indonesian Embassy’s conference and Harvard’s Alwaleed Bin Talal Seminar. He explored Indonesia’s unique democratic success among Muslim-majority countries and Nahdlatul Ulama’s efforts towards inclusive Islamic ethics. These presentations underscore Hefner’s expertise in Indonesian politics and Islamic studies.
Schmidt Discusses New Book During “Worldwide Week” Event
Professor Schmidt presented her latest book: Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers
Sarkar Appointed Ernest May Fellow & WIGH Scholar
As a visiting scholar, Sarkar will work on her second book project, Light Water Capitalism: The Rise and Fall of U.S. Global Power.
CURA Co-Hosts Workshop With Guadalupe Tuñón
The Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs hosted a talk with Guadalupe Tuñón of Harvard University as part of the Research in Comparative Politics Workshop series.
Chehabi Gives Talk at Harvard’s Mahindra Humanities Center
Prof. Houchang Chehabi gave a talk entitled “Ancient Sport” (varzesh-e bastani) as Invented Tradition.”