African Ajami Scholars Publish New Special Issue in Islamic Africa
The “Ajami Literacies of Africa” special issue explores the rich literatures of Wolof, Mandinka, Hausa, and Fula, challenging misconceptions about Africa’s written traditions. Co-edited by BU scholars, it unveils the historical significance of Ajami, countering Eurocentric biases. Exploring digital technologies, the issue sheds light on grassroots communities and fosters participatory knowledge-making.
ASC Publishes New Hausa Ajami Workbook for Public Health
The new workbook from Boston University’s African Language Program offers twelve chapters spread over more than 200 pages that cover topics including childbirth, family health, hygiene, the body and environment, sexually transmitted infections, infectious diseases, and death.
ASC NEH Ajami Literature Project Develops New Resources
The ASC project – “Ajami Literacy and the Expansion of Literacy and Islam: The Case of West Africa” – is the first systematic comparative approach to several major African languages written in Ajami.
Ngom and African Studies Center Featured in The Brink
Fallou Ngom’s, Director of the African Studies Center, work on studying the little-known written language for new insight into African history and culture featured in The Brink.