ASC Publishes New Hausa Ajami Workbook for Public Health

The Boston University African Language Program, housed at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies’ African Studies Center (ASC), is pleased to announce the publication of a new workbook in its growing series of Ajami teaching resourcesLittafin Koyan Hausa Ajami Don Lafiar Al-Umma (Hausa Ajami Workbook for Public Health) by Dr. Mustapha Hashim Kurfi (BU PhD ’18).

The workbook offers twelve chapters spread over more than 200 pages that cover topics including childbirth, family health, hygiene, the body and environment, sexually transmitted infections, infectious diseases, and death. It emerged out of the collaboration of Dr. Kurfi with Professor Fallou Ngom, who has led the development of Ajami resources at BU as former Director of the ALP and the ASC, and Dr. Zoliswa Mali, current Director of the ALP. The ASC’s Assistant Director, Dr. Eric J. Schmidt, and BU graduate Jennifer Erem provided additional editorial support.

For more information, visit the ASC website.

Founded in 1953, BU’s ASC has provided a strong foundation in African studies to generations of university professors, economists, health workers, government officials, development personnel, diplomats, and numerous others. Learn more on the ASC website