Join us for the 2nd Pardee School Inaugural Year Lecture

Poster-Bacevich-Pardee-webProfessor Emeritus Andrew J. Bacevich of the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies will present the next installment of the Pardee School Inaugural Year Lecture Series. Register now to reserve a seat at Prof. Bacevich’s lecture and discussion on “Is there an alternative to Permanent War in the Greater Middle East?”

The event will be held in the Trustees Ballroom at 1 Silber Way, Boston Univeristy at 4 PM on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. A receptiion will follow the lecture and discussion.

Seating is limited and RSVP is required: The event is open to the public but requires prior reservation. To register for this event, please email

The lecture and discussion will be based on research that Prof. Bacevich is conducting for a book on the same topic. He is currently leading the Pardee School’s first MOOC (massive open online course), also on the same topic, which has attracted over 10,750 students from more than 150 countries. The event is also a celebration of Prof. Bacevich’s career at Boston Univeristy, where he became Professor Emeritus in International Relations and in History, earlier this year upon retirement.

The Inaugural Year Lecture Series at the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies are planned around themes and issues central to the mission and focus of Boston University’s newest School. The first lecture in the series was presented in October by Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the former President of Latvia (1999-2007), on ‘What does the future hold for Europe and the EU?’ Other lectures will follow through the 2014-15 academic year.

Prof. Andrew J. Bacevich is a major public intellectual who has been applauded for reaching across political lines and speaking blunt truth to power, regardless of who is in office. Prior to joining Boston University he taught at Johns Hopkins University and at West Point, where he graduated in 1969. Time calls him “one of the most provocative—as in thought-provoking—national-security writers out there today.” His new book, Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country, is a blistering critique of the gulf between America’s soldiers and the society that sends them off to war. Bacevich’s bestseller, Washington Rules, is a critique of the country’s military industrial complex.

Andrew Bacevich  holds a Ph.D. in American Diplomatic History from Princeton. With the US Army, he served during the Vietnam War, and has held posts in Germany and the Persian Gulf; he retired, as a Colonel, in the early 1990s. Bacevich’s books include The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War, and American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U. S. Diplomacy. Bacevich has also written for The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, and The New York Times, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Seating is limited and RSVP is required: The event is open to the public but requires prior reservation. To register for this event, please email