Master of Engineering (MEng) in Systems Engineering (SE)
The Master of Engineering (MEng) in Systems Engineering is a professional degree program designed for students focusing on engineering, consulting, or management careers in industry, business, or government.
The College of Engineering encourages our students to tailor their academic experience by offering highly customizable master's programs, including interdisciplinary specializations and real-world opportunities. Depending on a student's individual academic interests, the duration of a master's program can vary. This program also offers part-time study options.
Degree Type
- Masters
Minimum Requirements
- 32 Credits
- In-Person
How it Works:
The MEng program provides flexibility in course selection to allow students to gain sufficient depth and breadth in their area of concentration while complementing these with courses outside their concentration area. The student will choose courses to form a coherent and balanced program in systems engineering. SE MEng students should make their course selection in consultation with their faculty advisor. The program is designed to be completed by full-time students in one academic year. Students who graduate from the SE MEng program are eligible to apply to the SE post-MS PhD program.
Master’s Handbook
The SE MEng Program Planning Sheet is found in the Master’s Handbook, under the Forms tab. The planning sheet provides a “snapshot” view of the curriculum and the Handbook includes policies, program requirements, logistics and contacts.

Admission Requirements
For Application Deadlines, Requirements and Fee Waiver information, see the Graduate Admissions web page.
- Fall: January 15 and March 15
- Spring: October 1
Internship Program Option: Engineering with Practice
Master’s students may add the optional “with Engineering Practice” designation to their degree by completing an approved internship in their field of study. The program option recognizes the power of combining rigorous academic coursework with supervised real-world research or industrial applications. Participating students add value to their academic experience with a related internship that enables them to both develop and apply their technical, project management, and leadership skills. Learn more.
“My internship allowed me to apply everything I learned in the classroom to the work environment. It added value to my resume/CV, and served as a platform to launch my career.”
Master’s Alum Anish Shah
Career Development Resources